Why I Never Get Pregnant

Improving Your Chances Of Becoming Pregnant

Why I Cant Get Pregnant

Youll have a better chance of getting pregnant if you understand your menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days, but it can vary from anywhere between 20 to 40 days for some women.

If your cycle is regular, then you can know that you probably ovulate 2 weeks before the start of your next cycle. So you can work from that and work out the best time to have sex.

Also, both you and your partner should be as healthy as you can be. Apart from anything else, this really will help your chances of getting pregnant. You can both:

How Can You Get Pregnant Faster

Once you decide to have a baby, you may want to get pregnant faster. There are ways to boost your likeliness of conceiving quickly.

  • Schedule a preconception check-up or counseling
  • Stay away from birth control pills a few months before you try to conceive
  • Figure out your ovulation time. You could use an ovulation predictor kit.
  • Have sex at the right time
  • Give sperm a boost by improving diet, exercising regularly, limiting chemical exposure, and consuming supplements
  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet
  • Relax and have fun while making love

The sooner you implement these changes, the faster you can get pregnant .

While some couples have issues getting pregnant the first time, others have issues conceiving a second time. And well tell you why.

You’re Blaming Yourself For Not Getting Pregnant

People tend to blame the woman for infertility. But in fact, Dr. Curtis says, cases of infertility are about 40 percent male-related, 40 percent female, and 20 percent a combination of both partners. “Frequently, the would-be mom rushes in to see her doctor at the first sign of a delay in getting pregnant. This is wrong, since it’s really an even playing field in terms of diagnoses.” And remember: It usually takes a healthy couple between 6 months and 1 year to conceive.

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You Don’t Actually Know When You’re Ovulating

“Not understanding the timing of ovulation is a popular mistake,” Dr. Curtis says. “Most women ovulate 14 days before the beginning of their period. So, for example, if you have a 24-day cycle, ovulation is around day 10.” But while this information seems straightforward at first glance, it can be confusing if you have irregular periods or can’t remember when you last menstruated.

Another common mistake? Not counting from the real first day of your cycle. “Day one is the first day you bleed, not the day after or the day before,” Dr. Curtis says. Because fertility can literally come down to a matter of hours, it’s important to know your cycle’s exact timing.

As a solution, Dr. Curtis suggests using ovulation predictor kits, which are available over the counter. Keeping a calendar to track your cycle can also be helpfuland so can using an online ovulation predictor or a mobile phone app.

Physical Issues And Lifestyle Choices Can Both Affect The Ability To Conceive

Why it

Age, physical health and lifestyle choices, such as smoking and diet, can contribute to a persons fertility, and we know that infertility affects both men and women. And, the decisions you make today can impact your fertility and ability to have kids later. Its important to learn all you can about your fertility. Use the infertility stats below to help improve your knowledge.

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What Is The Prognosis For People Who Have Infertility

Approximately 9 out of 10 couples get pregnant after undergoing fertility treatments. Success rates vary depending on the cause of infertility, the couples ages and other factors. In general:

  • Each IUI attempt has a 20% success rate.
  • An estimated 1 in 2 women under the age of 35 conceive with ART. That number drops to 1 in 30 women for women in their early to mid-40s.

For The First Time I Knew Really Knew That I Did Not Have To Be Pregnant To Become A Mom

My daughter is five now, and we have an amazing life. Lately, Ive been thinking about renewing my foster care license and potentially adopting again. Im ready to expand our family, and she seems to be ready for that too.

I’d thought my days of mourning infertility were behind me. But then, I turned 35. And this fresh wave of sadness washed over me. It suddenly became absolute in my mind. Even a perfectly healthy woman, without the fertility issues I have, starts to experience diminished fertility after the age of 35.

If wasnt able to get pregnant in my mid-twenties, I definitely wont be getting pregnant now. And for as much as I had thought Id healed from infertility, something about that realization struck me down all over again.

For the past five years, I just havent thought much about it. Ive been busy raising my daughter, living life. But I think in the back of my head, I always believed there was a maybe there. Maybe I would meet someone great, and a miracle would occur. Maybe I would change my mind and pursue fertility treatments one more time. Maybe some crazy medical advancement would make my insides less toxic and more capable of carrying a child.


Those maybes now seem like far-fetched fairytales. And once again, I feel like Im being forced to come to terms with something I thought Id come to terms with years ago.

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Do I Need Infertility Treatment

If youre having trouble conceiving, an infertility specialist may be able to help. The first step after 12 months of trying to conceive is to schedule an infertility evaluation. This multipart assessment includes:

  • Physical examination
  • Semen analysis
  • Evaluation of the uterus and fallopian tubes

If you or your partner have a known medical condition that affects the uterus, fallopian tubes, sperm or ovulation, talk to your doctor to see if you should be evaluated sooner. For example, if you know that both of your fallopian tubes are blocked, youll need to see an infertility specialist even before trying to get pregnant.

The Johns Hopkins Fertility Center

Our fertility specialists will work with you to identify the unique causes of your infertility and help you realize your dream of parenthood.

Need A Little Extra Support

Why I’m Not Pregnant *I’ve NEVER shared this before*
Health Concierge

Whether itâs taking you a little longer to fall pregnant than you expected, or you know youâll be needing a bit of extra help, Medibankâs Health Concierge service is there to help. You can call for support and guidance, available at no extra cost for members with residential hospital cover#.

Got a health question? 24/7 Medibank nurse phone service

Members with hospital cover can chat to experienced and qualified nurses over the phone to discuss any health questions or concerns and get professional advice on what to do next. Our nurses are available on ~ for round-the-clock health advice.

Optimal me

Medibank has partnered with Monash University to create OptimalMe, a research program designed to help mums-to-be optimise their health before they conceive. The program features tailored health and wellbeing tips and personal guidance on fitness and nutrition.

If youâre planning to have a baby in the next 12 months you may be eligible to take part. Find out more here

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What Other Factors Can Cause A Decline In My Fertility

If you have any of the following risk factors, you may consider seeking advice earlier than described above:

  • Family history of early menopause
  • History of cigarette smoking in either partner
  • Previous ovarian surgery
  • History of injury to the testicles
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals

If a couple has an obvious medical problem affecting their ability to conceive, such as absence of periods or irregular periods, sexual dysfunction, a history of pelvic disease, or prior surgery, they should begin the infertility evaluation immediately.

How Is Infertility Defined

Infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant after one year of unprotected sex for women under 35 and six months for women 35 and older.

The vast majority of people will become pregnant within the first 12 months of trying to conceive with regular unprotected intercourse, says Cross. After six months to a year of trying depending on a womans age we recommend that a couple comes in for an infertility evaluation. At that point, its more likely that theres a problem preventing pregnancy.

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Ways You Really Probably Can’t Get Pregnant When Having Sex

Full disclaimer: No day is totally off limits when it comes to getting pregnant, but there are plenty of circumstances that make your chances extremely low. Here, OB/GYNs share the scenarios where you’re least likely to conceive.

This story originally appeared on Parents.com.

Most of us spend the better part of our fertile years actively trying not to get pregnant, so it’s always an unpleasant surprise to learn that it’s not actually that easy to conceive. The reality is there is a relatively short window during a woman’s cycle that she can get pregnant whether or not she’s on birth control or actively trying.

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In fact, there’s really only a 48-hour period that is ideal for conceiving, according to Anate Brauer, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at the Greenwich Fertility and IVF Centers and assistant professor of OB/GYN at NYU School of Medicine. Of course, every woman is different, as are her monthly cycles, so it’s never a sure bet to say that there’s any week or day when you absolutely cannot get pregnant .

If you’re wondering which occasions make for the least likely opportunity to conceive, however, here are some expert-stamped scenarios where your chances are low.

You Cannot Get Pregnant The First Time


This is another complete myth. Once you start your periods your body is able to become pregnant even if it is your first time having sex. I know one woman personally, who did become pregnant on her first time and became a single mother at 16. You could call it bad luck, but luck is not something you want to dice with when it comes to pregnancy. The consequences are too big to just trust the roll of the dice.

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Fyi: Struggling With Infertility Doesnt Mean Youll Never Get Pregnant

High school sex ed did a number on me, and I spent most of my life living with a low-grade fear that I would get pregnant every time I had sex, even though I used the pill. That notion was further confirmed when I got pregnant with my first son the day my husband and I started trying. But when we decided to try to have another baby, things werent so easy.

I spent a year going through the roller coaster of trying to have a baby, hoping this would be The Month, and having to give myself a pep talkagainwhen my period inevitably came. I kept checking in with my ob/gyn, who told me that nothing was wrong, I should keep doing what I was doing, and that I really only needed to circle back with him after 12 months of trying. It was an incredibly frustrating experience.

Finally, 12 months went by, and I spoke to my doctors receptionist about making an appointment to find out what the heck was going on. OK! We have you down for an infertility consultation next week, she said. Oh, Im not infertileI just havent been able to get pregnant in a year, I said. Thats infertility, she replied. I got off the phone and sobbed. In my mind, we were headed for IVF or adoption. And, while both are great options, it’s not what I had my heart set on.

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Dear Therapist: Im Tired Of Explaining Why I Dont Want To Get Pregnant

What I do, or dont do, with my uterus is nobodys business.

Dear Therapist,

Im 27 years old and have been married to my wonderful husband for three months, and already the inevitable onslaught of questions regarding our reproductive choices has begun. It seems that we are constantly asked about our plans to have a baby by every extended family member, co-worker, friend, and acquaintance.

I find these questions to be incredibly invasive and rude, as it is really nobodys business what I do, or dont do, with my uterus. I have struggled with anorexia for 10 years, and the possible complications of a pregnancy related to my physical, emotional, and psychological health are severe enough to deter me from ever wanting to become pregnant.

Those close to me understand my reasons for not wanting to get pregnant, but its not as easy to explain my choice to others. When pressed about our baby plans, I generally coldly shut down the conversation, because thats easier than dealing with the incredulous questioning that follows my answer of No babies for us. I want to be able to provide a polite response that effectively ends the conversation for good, but I am not sure what to say.

Alexandra Burlington, Connecticut

Dear Alexandra,

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Are Heavy Periods A Sign Of Fertility

Heavy periods are not a sign of fertility, and sometimes could indicate a different problem. You may feel fatigued and worn out. In the process of losing more blood, you will lose the essential body resources built over time. If you get sudden, heavy periods, you should immediately discuss with your doctor .

Where To Go For Help


Start with your GP. They can provide you with pre-conception advice and tests, and if youâve been trying for a while without success, they may conduct some fertility tests.

Your GP can also help you with advice on making the appropriate adjustments to your lifestyle, and help you work out which days of the month you are most fertile, to give you the best chances of getting pregnant. There are also apps and information online which can help you work out your âfertility windowâ.

Your GP can also refer you to a fertility specialist for further testing and discussion around your treatment options. You may be referred to a private clinic or a public hospital.

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Can A Girl Get Pregnant If She Has Never Had Her Period

Can I get pregnant if I’ve never had my period? Ariana

Yes, a girl can get pregnant before she gets her first period.

Getting pregnant is related to ovulation. Because a girl can ovulate before having her first period, it is possible to become pregnant if she has sex.

Pregnancy isn’t the only concern about having sex any time a girl has sex, especially unprotected sex, she runs the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease .

Abstinence is the only way to completely prevent STDs or unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are the only type of birth control that offers protection against STDs, but they’re not as good at preventing pregnancy as other kinds of birth control. Girls get the best protection if they use a condom every time they have sex, and also use a hormonal method of birth control .

If you have ever had sex, or are thinking about having sex, talk with your doctor about birth control options, STD testing, and ways to prevent STDs.

If you’ve had unprotected sex, a condom broke, or you used birth control but haven’t had your period, see your doctor immediately to get tested for pregnancy and STDs.

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Infertility

Infertility can have many different causes, so the symptoms can depend on what the underlying cause is.

The main, universal symptom is, of course, an inability to get pregnant. For women, another sign may be that her menstrual cycles are too long, too short, irregular or absent. This is because these can be an indication that .

Otherwise, there are no signs or symptoms that point to infertility.

You may want to see your doctor for advice if:

  • Youve been trying for more than a year.
  • Youre over 35 and have been trying for 6 months.
  • You have any reason to be concerned about your fertility.

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Is It Possible To Slow Down Or Reverse Reproductive Aging

No. However, eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, avoiding smoking, and adopting a lifestyle that reduces stress can improve your overall health. Studies suggest that smoking, diet, and stress may have an impact on the quality of eggs/sperm and may accelerate menopause. However, despite our best efforts to slow down or reverse the process, improved health does not offset the natural agerelated decline in female fertility, which can take place much sooner than most women expect.

Sperm is being made continuously, and takes about 3 months to mature. Changes in lifestyle and exposure can show in the quality of sperm within a few months. Unlike men, a woman is born with all her eggs, so there are no methods/treatments to grow more or new eggs or preserve the quality of those eggs that remain. Therefore, fIts important to talk about family planning with a healthcare provider even if you are not thinking about getting pregnant right away. This might decrease the chance of having difficulties later.

Fertility Tests For Men


If a man is suspected of having fertility problems, the doctor may recommend tests like:

  • Semen analysis. The main cause of infertility in men is low sperm count or poor sperm quality, i.e. not enough motile sperm . A semen analysis can help the doctor better understand what issues may be at play.
  • Chlamydia test. Chlamydia can also affect male fertility.

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