Do Pregnancy Test Come With Plan B

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Fact or Fiction: Pregnancy tests contain the Plan B pill?

Experts at popular pregnancy test company ClearBlue previously had to issue a warning to people to not eat the ‘pill’ inside the tests.

They said: “We are aware of videos circulating about Clearblue pregnancy tests and the tablet found inside.

“Clearblue pregnancy tests do NOT contain Plan B. All our tests contain a small desiccant tablet which is included to absorb moisture and should not be eaten.”

Should You Take A Pregnancy Test

Plan B can affect the timing of your next period.

But, if you havent had a period within 3 weeks of taking Plan B, its best to take a pregnancy test.

If you get a positive result, talk with a healthcare professional for advice on the options that are available to you.

Plan B isnt the only form of EC out there. Heres the lowdown on other EC options, how often you can use this form of contraception, and more.

Psa: That Is Not A Plan B Pill Inside Your Pregnancy Test

Finding the over-the-counter pregnancy test that’s right for you can be a daunting chore. After all, the shelves are filled with a crazy number of options, all boasting a variety of high-tech features that promise to deliver advanced accuracy and speed. After dropping $20+ on a kit, you might feel like you’ve basically purchased the pregnancy test equivalent of an iPhone.

But just as pregnancy tests don’t come with USB cables, they don’t include anything else above and beyond a standard kit to test your urineand definitely not a morning-after pill.

Still, kids on the popular video-sharing app TikTok, among other social media sites, have been taking apart pregnancy tests and asking if the moisture-absorbing desiccant tablet is, in fact, Plan B One Step, or the morning-after pill.

As eyebrow-raising as it might sound, various pockets of the internet and social media have been buzzing with the thought that some pregnancy test kits include the morning-after pill. One example: In the Q& A section of the site, a user asked, “There’s a rumor that the tablet in the test is a Plan B. What is the little pill thing inside a pregnancy test, really?”

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How To Know If Plan B Worked

After taking Plan B, its tempting to try and guess whats happening in your body based on how you feel, but unfortunately you wont be able to tell if it worked or not right away.

Some of the earliest signs of pregnancy are the ones linked to hormonal changes in your body, like breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, or moodiness. But Plan B can cause similar symptoms!12 If youve taken Plan B, there are no symptoms that will be a sure sign of whether it worked. The only way to know is to wait until your next period or to take a pregnancy test. If youre feeling anxious, you can take some pregnancy tests as early as six days before your expected period date.

Is There Plan B Inside A Pregnancy Test

Plan B Pill In Pregnancy Test

Zerah Isaacs is a technical research assistant with experience in both academic and industry biomedical research.

Rumors can spread like wildfire in the online world, and when they are not true, it can be downright dangerous. Take, for example, the recent viral TikToks that falsely claim that there is a Plan B pill hidden inside some pregnancy tests.

And while there is a small tablet within Clearblue pregnancy tests, it is not Plan B.

“What people found inside the pregnancy test wasn’t a contraceptive but a desiccant with the shape of a pill that is used to eliminate the moisture on the surrounding environment of the device and thus protect its integrity,” says Cristina Nunez, a pharmacist based in New York State.

Ahead, we’ll break down some important myths vs. facts, along with what experts have to say about the dangers of this particular rumor.

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What Is The Plan B Pill

Plan B is a form of emergency contraception. It is used to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex. It is sometimes called the morning-after pill. There are other brands and types of it as well.

When taken within 3 days after having unprotected sex, Plan B may prevent you from becoming pregnant. However, it becomes less effective the more time that passes after having sex. If you were already pregnant before taking Plan B, it will not end your pregnancy.

Does The Plan B Morning

The morning-after pill is super safe, and Plan B side effects arent super common. There have been no reports of serious problems out of the millions of people whove taken it.

After you take the morning-after pill, it’s totally normal for your next period to be different from what youre used to. It may come earlier or later, and be heavier, lighter, or more spotty. Or it may be the same as it normally is.

You may get an upset stomach, feel lightheaded or dizzy, or have tender breasts for a short while when you take the morning-after pill. If you throw up within two hours of taking the pill, it won’t work and youll need to take it again.

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What Medicines Affect How Well Plan B Works

These medicines or supplements can make Plan B and other levonorgestrel morning-after pills not work as well:

The antibiotic Rifampin

The antifungal Griseofulvin

Certain HIV medicines

Certain anti-seizure medicines

The herb St. Johns Wort

You can ask a nurse, doctor, or pharmacist about any medications youre taking, and they can help you figure out if Plan B is a good option for you.

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Plan B Pill Inside Pregnancy Test?!

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What Are Your Options For Terminating A Pregnancy

If your test comes back positive and you want to terminate the pregnancy, there are options.

The best first step is to book an appointment with a doctor or other healthcare professional. Theyll confirm your pregnancy and tell you about the available abortion procedures.

Generally, these fall into medical and surgical options. But they do differ, depending on where you live and how long youve been pregnant.

A medical abortion involves taking two pills: mifepristone and misoprostol. Sometimes, the first pill is taken in the clinic and the second at home. You can usually take the abortion pill until 11 weeks after the first day of your last period. However, the success rate goes down slightly after 7 weeks.

This option might not be suitable if you have an IUD fitted or if you have an ectopic pregnancy.

Surgical abortions are often used later in a pregnancy beyond 16 weeks after your last period in some cases.

There are two types of surgical abortion: a suction abortion, or vacuum aspiration, empties the uterus via suction, while a dilation and evacuation uses a combination of suction and instruments.

If youre in the United States and arent sure how or where to access an abortion near you, our state-by-state guide can help.

Can Plan B Harm You When Your Body

The most common side effects of taking Plan B are nausea, vomiting, and irregular bleeding, the doctor says. loazon. So dont panic if you feel uncomfortable. You just have to be vigilant if you have to throw up, just in case. About one in five women experience nausea and half of them vomit, the doctor says.

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You Have More Unprotected Sex After You Take Ec

Sometimes people think that after a dose of EC, they a sexual get-out-of-jail-free card, Dr. White explains. Thats not true. Ovulation is just delayed, not stopped, so further acts of unprotected sex put you in the line of fire, she says.

Once more, with feeling: Everyone makes mistakes. If you need emergency contraception, theres no reason to feel down on yourself. It only becomes somewhat concerning if it becomes a habit, because it means there might be a better birth control option out there for you. If you find yourself needing morning-after contraception on several occasions, its not dangerous, but we can do better, Dr. Minkin says. If youre sick of taking birth control pills, we can get you an IUD, the Nexplanon implant, or something elsethere are lots of options, and you dont have to rely on morning-after contraception.


Does It Affect The Next Period

Bleeding after plan B: Pregnancy, side effects, precautions

Taking the Plan B pill in addition to continuing to take birth control pills may result in the next period being slightly different than usual.

For example, periods may:

  • be earlier or later than expected
  • be heavier or lighter than usual
  • cause more symptoms, such as nausea or cramping

If a persons period is more than a week later than expected after taking Plan B, they should take a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy. Anyone who has concerns about taking birth control pills or the Plan B pill should talk to a doctor.

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Fact Check: Do Plan B Pills Come Inside Pregnancy Tests

A post claims Plan B pills are included inside pregnancy tests.

Verdict: False

Experts have confirmed that Plan B pills are not included in pregnancy tests. The pill found inside is a moisture-absorbing desiccant tablet.

Fact Check:

A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion suggests the court will overturn Roe v. Wade, a 1973 ruling that established federal protections for abortion through the first trimester of pregnancy, according to Politico. Legal experts warn that legal protection of birth control could be threatened if the ruling is reversed, Wired reports.

The leaked draft opinion has sparked widespread discussion about birth control. One Facebook post claims that Plan B, an emergency contraceptive, can be found inside a pregnancy test. Why no one tell me Plan Bs come inside Pregnancy Test? reads the post.

Similar allegations have circulated the internet for some time, including videos that show individuals pulling tablets out of pregnancy tests. The tablet, however, is not a Plan B pill but a moisture-absorbing desiccant tablet, according to experts and pregnancy test manufacturers.

Clearblue pregnancy tests do NOT contain Plan B, explains a 2019 Facebook post from home diagnostics manufacturer Clearblue. All our tests contain a small desiccant tablet which is included to absorb moisture and SHOULD NOT BE EATEN.

How Effective Is The Morning After Pill

Emergency contraception cant prevent all pregnancies.

If you take the LNG-ECP pill within 3 days of having sex, it will probably be effective. Out of every 100 expected pregnancies, between 80 or 90 will be avoided with this pill. The sooner you take it, the better the chance of it working.

If you take the UPA pill within 5 days of having sex, it is very likely to be effective. Out of every 100 expected pregnancies, 98 will be avoided with this pill. Again, the sooner you take it, the better the chance of it working.

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Abortion Information You Can Trust

carafem medical standards and guidelines have been composed and approved by Board-certified Ob/Gyn Physicians as part of the carafem medical committee. We are members of NAF and the Abortion Care Network. carafem is a nationally known expert in providing abortion care that is professional, affordable, private, and responsive to the individual needs of the people we serve. Still have questions? Check out our FAQ page, or call us at , or find a location near you.

Research Findings Vs Fda Labeling

Whatâs inside a POSITIVE pregnancy test?

Monique Rainford, MD, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology, and currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Medicine. She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health.

Plan B One-Step is an emergency contraceptive. Emergency contraceptives are used to prevent pregnancy after birth control failure or unprotected sex. Generic forms of Plan B include My Way, Take Action, and Next Choice One Dose.

Emergency contraception is safe and effective. Still, Plan B is controversial. Much of the debate is based on a misunderstanding about how Plan B works.

Some people believe Plan B prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the lining of the uterus. This belief is based on the productâs FDA labeling. Research, however, has not confirmed the information on the FDA label.

This article will discuss the controversy around the FDA labeling for Plan B. It will also look at what research says about how Plan B actually works.

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Teens Have Taken To Social Media Wondering If Some Pregnancy Test Kits Include The Morning

Finding the over-the-counter pregnancy test that’s right for you can be a daunting chore. After all, the shelves are filled with a crazy number of options, all boasting a variety of high-tech features that promise to deliver advanced accuracy and speed. After dropping $20+ on a kit, you might feel like you’ve basically purchased the pregnancy test equivalent of an iPhone.

But just as pregnancy tests don’t come with USB cables, they don’t include anything else above and beyond a standard kit to test your urineand definitely not a morning-after pill.

Still, kids on the popular video-sharing app TikTok, among other social media sites, have been taking apart pregnancy tests and asking if the moisture-absorbing desiccant tablet is, in fact, Plan B One Step, or the morning-after pill.

As eyebrow-raising as it might sound, various pockets of the internet and social media have been buzzing with the thought that some pregnancy test kits include the morning-after pill. One example: In the Q& A section of the site, a user asked, “There’s a rumor that the tablet in the test is a Plan B. What is the little pill thing inside a pregnancy test, really?”

Myth #: I Took A Pregnancy Test A Few Days After The Condom Broke And It Was Negative So I Am Not Pregnant

Home pregnancy tests can be extremely accurate when taken at the right time. But taken so soon after intercourse, theyre unlikely to reveal a pregnancy.

Home pregnancy tests work by measuring the hCG hormone in your urine. Theres generally enough of this hormone for the test to be able to detect pregnancy as early as two days before an expected period, Dr. Taylor says. That means it could take up to two weeks after a condom breaks for a pregnancy test to register as positive.

If a condom was the only form of contraception you were using, turning to emergency contraception a day or two after the condom broke would greatly reduce your odds of pregnancy.

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How Soon Can I Take A Pregnancy Test For Accurate Results

The answer to this question depends on the type of test youre taking and your menstrual cycle.Its important to note that there are two kinds of pregnancy tests: blood tests and urine tests . Both types measure a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin that quickly enters the picture after the first few days of a pregnancy.Urine tests are more common than blood, as they can be taken in the comfort of your own home and are usually less expensive. They typically are most accurate three days before your missed period, or two weeks after conception.Conversely, blood tests can detect smaller amounts of hCG in your blood, meaning you can get accurate results earlier .However, while you might be eager to know the result, levels of hCG increase the longer you wait to test.Another thing to consider is that ovulation is not clockwork, and this can affect the time that hCG can be detected.Because of this, the accuracy of pregnancy tests will vary from person to person, which is why we like to take two and wait until the first day of our missed period, just in case.

Myth #: Im Experiencing Symptoms Of Pms So Im Certain Im Not Pregnant

Does The Plan B Pill Affect Future Pregnancy

Some of the premenstrual syndrome symptoms women experience in the later part of their cycle bloating, water retention, mood changes, alterations in appetite may indicate that their period is coming, says Hugh Taylor, MD, chair of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine and its medical practice, Yale Medicine.

But these symptoms can also be very similar to the ones women experience in early pregnancy, he says.

Thats because all of these symptoms are the result of hormonal fluctuations. In the case of a normal menstrual cycle, that includes increases in estrogen and progesterone. If youve conceived, its those two hormones that are responsible, plus human chorionic gonadotropin , which multiplies rapidly at the start of a pregnancy.

Assuming your hormonal symptoms are PMS, then, isnt an accurate tactic for ruling out pregnancy.

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