Irregular And Unpredictable Bleeding
The most common side effects of Nexplanon implant is that it causes changes in normal menstrual bleeding in women, which occurs during the entire period of the implant.
For some women, they can have no bleeding during their menes. While in other women they can have shorter or longer bleeding during their periods or experience an increase in spotting. Spotting is a light, brown or pink vaginal bleeding. It is usually a few drops.
Apart from changes in normal menstrual bleeding, other side effects women can experience are such as:
- Fluctuating moods
- Vaginitis
- Sore throats or flu
- Stomach pain.
After Your Partner Has Had A Vasectomy
While you have a less than one percent chance of getting pregnant by a man whos had a vasectomy, you might have a much larger chance if you dont wait until your partners been tested to see if it worked. Your partners sperm should be checked three months after the procedure, and he needs to have had a minimum of 20 ejaculations. Make sure to use other protection until you get the OK from your doctor after three months.
How Well Does Implantable Contraception Work
Implantable contraception is a very effective method of birth control. Over the course of 1 year, fewer than 1 out of 100 typical couples using the implant will have an accidental pregnancy. The chances of getting pregnant increase if a girl waits longer than 3 years to replace the tube. So it’s important to keep a record of when a tube was inserted, and:
- Get a new contraceptive implant on schedule. or
- Have the old tube removed and switch to another birth control method.
In general, how well each birth control method works depends on a lot of things. These include whether a girl has any health conditions or is taking medicines or herbal supplements that might affect its use. For example, some antibiotics or herbs like St. John’s wort can affect how well implantable contraception works.
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How Does Nexplanon Work
Nexplanon contains etonogestrel. Etonogestrel is the synthetic form of naturally occurring female hormone, progesterone. Nexplanon releases etonogestrel into the blood stream of the implant. The main way in which Nexplanon prevents pregnancy is that it releases high amount of synthetic progesterone, tricking the body into believing that ovulation has already occurred and prevents the eggs from being formed in the ovary. Etonogestrel also effects the natural mucus at the cervix. This increases the thickness of the mucus making it difficult for the sperm to enter the womb and hence successful fertilization.
When Do You See A Doctor
After Nexplanon implant, some women can have swelling in the face, allergic reactions or difficulty in breathing. Get emergency medical assistance if you show the above symptoms. Other signs and symptoms that you must call a doctor are as follows:
- When the site of the implant becomes swollen and some discharge emanating from it
- You feel symptoms of depression such as difficulty in sleeping, fluctuating moods, and fatigue
- You feel pain, swelling, and redness in one or both of your leg
- When you have sudden severe headaches
- If your skin and eyes become yellow, a condition called jaundice
- You experience pain or cramping in your pelvic region
- If you feel numbness or weakness on one side of your body
- If you feel pain in your chest
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Can Anyone Have A Nexplanon
Most women who want a Nexplanon can have it.
Conditions which may mean you may not be suitable for Nexplanon.
- Now or in the past you have had breast cancer
- You have had certain types of liver disease
- You have bleeding between the periods or after sex and you have not seen a doctor or nurse about this, or you have seen a doctor or nurse but you are still waiting to be told why this is happening
- You have certain rheumatic diseases
- Also you should stop using Nexplanon if you have a heart attack or stroke
How Is It Removed
While the lifespan of the Nexplanon birth control implant is three to five years, you may need to take out the implant soonerfor example, if you are trying to get pregnant, or if you decide that the side effects dont outweigh the benefits of the implant.
Like its insertion, the birth control implant removal process is quick, with minimum pain or discomfort, and relatively straightforward. However, it will take a little bit more time to remove your implant than it did to have it inserted. To remove it, your healthcare provider will numb your upper arm and make a small incision at the site of the implant. Then, using special tools, he or she will pull the small rod out of your arm and use steri-strips or sutures to close the incision site. At this point, you can have another implant put in immediately if you wish to continue using Nexplanon as your main method of birth control.
Once your contraceptive implant is out, you may experience soreness or bruising around the incision site. Make sure to follow the instructions that your healthcare provider gives you for washing and caring for the area to avoid infection or scarring. Youll have to skip heavy weights once again to make sure you dont disrupt the healing process.
After the implant is removed, youll be able to conceive immediately. If youre not trying to get pregnant, youll need to get another implant or use a different method of birth control.
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Where Can I Get A Contraceptive Implant Fitted Or Removed
You can get the contraceptive implant for free, even if you’re under 16, from:
- contraception clinics
- sexual health or genitourinary medicine clinics
- GP surgeries
- some young people’s services
Some GPs or practice nurses are able to fit and remove implants, so you’ll need to check at your GP surgery.
Alternatively, most sexual health clinics will be able to do this for you.
What Are The Disadvantages
- You might have irregular periods or periods that last longer. This is quite common in the first 6 months but it can last as long as you use the implant. This can be annoying, but its not harmful and the implant will still work. If the bleeding is a problem, you can get pills to help.
- You might have a sore or bruised arm after the implant is put in or taken out. There is a small risk of infection
- Sometimes its not easy for the nurse or doctor to find the implant and you might have to see someone else to take it out.
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What Is The Nexplanon Birth Control Arm Implantation Procedure Like
Your healthcare provider should discuss the insertion of the birth control implant in your arm with you beforehand. This is your opportunity to let them know if you have any questions or concerns about the implant procedure.
Your healthcare provider will first sterilize and apply a local anesthetic to the back of your upper arm. After checking that your arm feels numb, they will then use a special device that looks like one side of a stapler to insert the implant into your arm. This is placed right underneath the skin.
The whole process takes less than 30 minutes. Since your arm will be numb, the procedure will only hurt as much as the anesthetic injection. Afterwards, the area of your arm where the implant is will feel tender for a few days and may bruise for up to 2 to 3 weeks.
Should You Use The Same Type Of Birth Control You Used Before You Got Pregnant
It depends some methods are more effective and comfortable pre-pregnancy and some are incompatible with nursing.
For example, some women who love their diaphragm before giving birth feel afterward that the spermicide is uncomfortable or drying. Do you find it inconvenient that you have to be re-fitted after birth to make sure it fits you properly ? Next, please!
Its also possible your period will change after pregnancy, though whether its for the better or worse is variable. Some women find that their cramps are much less severe once theyve had a baby, while others have the opposite experience.
If youre one of the unlucky ones, you may want to opt for a hormonal IUD or the pill, which will lessen the severity of your symptoms . Skip the Paragard since heavy, longer periods is a common side effect at least for the first few months.
And of course if youre breastfeeding, your hormonal birth control options are limited to the mini-pill and others without estrogen.
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Are There Alternatives To The Birth Control Implant
Yes, there are a number of other birth control options for women available. If you are looking to obtain birth control, you will most likely need to have a consultation with your doctor first. They will discuss all of the options available to you and determine which method is best suited for your lifestyle. Some other available options include:
Risks & Side Effects Of Nexplanon
Nexplanon can have side effects, and the most common one is a changing menstrual bleeding pattern. One out of ten women may have to stop using Nexplanon because of this change.
A woman can experience spotting between menstrual cycles, different time periods in between the cycles. There can be times when there are no regular gaps, shorter or longer cycles, or no bleeding at the time of the period. Women must tell their healthcare provider if they think they are pregnant or if the bleeding goes on long and heavy.
Other side effects of Nexplanon can be:
- Headache
- Viral infection or flu-type symptoms
- Nervousness
- Pain at the insertion site
- Dizziness
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How Nexplanon Implant Works
Nexplanon implant prevents you from pregnancy in the following ways:
- It alters cervical mucus so that it is harder for sperms to swim through and reduces tubal contraction hence preventing fertilization
- It also makes your uterus lining less receptive to implantation
- It can also prevent you from ovulating.
Implant Nexplanon
What Should You Avoid When Using
When you are using Nexplanon implant, avoid smoking. This is because smoking elevates your chances of developing blood clots, serious complications like stroke, and heart attack. These risks increase with age the older you are, the more risky you are to develop blood clots and stroke or heart attack. Hence, when you are over 35 years of age and smoking, do not use Nexplanon implant.
Nexplanon implant cannot protect you against sexually transmitted infections. Use a condom to protect you against STIs.
Reference List
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Myth: Getting An Implant Is Painful And Could Cause Infection
Some women who seek family planning believe that the insertion of implants requires surgery or that insertion is painful and causes infection. They may also have misconceptions about the removal of implants.
Fact: No stitches, no noticeable scar, and it can be removed at any time
Health professionals with specific training perform a minor surgical procedure to insert implants. The provider gives the patient an injection of local anesthetic under the skin of her arm to prevent pain while the implants are inserted. This injection may sting. The woman remains fully awake during the procedure. Insertion takes an average of 4 to 5 minutes for Norplant, 2.5 minutes for Jadelle, and 1.5 minutes for Implanon. Insertion can take more or less time, depending on the skill of the provider.
The incision is small and stitches are not required. In most cases, insertion does not leave a noticeable scar. Once inserted, the outline of the implants underneath the skin can be felt and sometimes seen. The woman may have bruising and feel pain or soreness for a few days afterward.
Infection at the insertion site can occur, but is uncommon. When infection occurs, it is usually within the first two months after insertion. In rare cases, implants may start to come out of the skin. When this occurs, it is usually due to improper insertion or infection.
When Does The Contraceptive Implant Start Working After Giving Birth
After giving birth you are able to have the implant fitted any time and it is fine to use if you are breastfeeding. If fitted up to 21 days after giving birth you will be immediately protected against pregnancy. If the implant is fitted after 21 days, you will need to ensure that you use another method of contraception such as condoms for 7 days after the implant is fitted.
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Questions And Answers About Implants
1. Do users of implants require follow-up visits?
No. Routine periodic visits are not necessary for implant users. Annual visits may be helpful for other preventive care, but they are not necessary or required. Of course, women are welcome to return at any time with questions or to have implants removed.
2. Can implants be left in a woman’s arm?
Leaving the implants in place beyond their effective lifespan is generally not recommended if the woman continues to be at risk of pregnancy. The implants themselves are not dangerous, but as the hormone levels in the implants drop, they become less and less effective. After they lose effectiveness, they may still release a small dose of hormone for several more years, which serves no purpose.
If a woman wants to continue using implants, she may have a new implant inserted in the other arm even if the first implant is not removed at that time, for example, if removal services are not immediately available.
3. Do implants cause cancer?
No. Studies have not shown increased risk of any cancer with use of implants.
4. How long does it take to become pregnant after the implants are removed?
Women who stop using implants can become pregnant as quickly as women who stop nonhormonal methods. Implants do not delay the return of a woman’s fertility after they are removed. The bleeding pattern a woman had before she used implants generally returns after they are removed.
6. Can implants come out of a womans arm?
How Long Does The Implant Last And Can You Get Pregnant On An Expired Nexplanon / Implanon
Nexplanon can be used for three years, at which point it should be replaced to maintain its effectiveness. We recommend contacting your GP or sexual health clinic to discuss the replacement of your contraceptive implant prior to the date it is due to be replaced .
The implant definitely wont stop working early and there isnt anything that makes Nexplanon less effective. There is even some evidence to say the implant remains effective up until four years, but a discussion with your doctor or nurse will help you work out what is best for you. There are no symptoms of it running out any longer and the implant is simply out of date and will no longer protect you from unwanted pregnancy.
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Is It Possible To Get Pregnant On Nexplanon
The chances of being pregnant are rare, even if youre overweight. I believe your Doctor wouldnt prescribe you a certain kind of birth control if they didnt think it would be right for you! Im 21 Ive had this implant since May 2014 I told them I wantes the threw year that would make May 2016 when it should be removed.
When Using Condoms Improperly
They seem pretty easy to use, and hey, we all tested them out on bananas in Health class back in the day. How can anyone screw them up? Heres the short list: using them with oil-based lubricants, like petroleum jelly or coconut oil, which erode latex using expired condoms or any that have been exposed to extreme temperatures accidentally ripping them with teeth, scissors, or a nail when opening the packet not leaving enough room at the tip and not pulling out quickly enough after sex. Maybe thats not such a short list, after all.
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What About If I Am Being Prescribed Certain Medications
There are certain medications that will make the contraceptive implant less effective. This includes some HIV, epilepsy and tuberculosis medications, St Johns Wort and certain antibiotics such as rifabutin or rifampicin.
We recommend having a conversation with your doctor to ensure that any medication you are taking will not affect the effectiveness of your implant. If your medication does affect this method then we would recommend looking for another method of contraception that isnt affected by your medication.
- it may reduce heavy periods or period pain
- you may experience temporary side effects during the first few months, like headaches, nausea, breast tenderness and mood swings
- your periods may be irregular or stop altogether
- you may get acne or your acne might get worse
- youll need a small procedure to have it fitted and removed
- it doesnt protect you against sexually transmitted infections , so you may need to use additional contraception as well
Can I Have The Implant After Emergency Contraception
After taking levonorgestrel as emergency contraception the implant can be inserted immediately. You should avoid sex or use a barrier method of contraception for 7 days. In addition you should take a pregnancy test 3 weeks or so after the time you had unprotected sex.
If you took ulipristal acetate the implant should be inserted 5 days after taking the tablet. You should avoid having unprotected sex or use a barrier method of contraception until the implant is inserted and for 7 days after. You should also take a pregnancy test no sooner than 3 weeks after the last time you had unprotected sex.
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