Energy Drinks And Breastfeeding
After youve delivered your baby, you might be breastfeeding your child and Im sure you also have your doubts about whether you can consume energy drinks while breastfeeding.
Unlike pregnancy, consumption of energy drinks while breastfeeding holds minimal risk to the babys health.
Again the main concern would be the caffeine content.
However, with breastfeeding, its much more forgiving than pregnancy because only 1% of the caffeine that the mom consumes goes into her breast milk, which is too small of an amount to harm your baby.
For further information on breastfeeding and energy drinks, you can refer to my previous post where Ive written about it in more detail.
Overcoming Exhaustion In The 1st Trimester Of Pregnancy
If youve yet to be pregnant, it is difficult to fully wrap your mind around what its like. Your body is going through a wide range of internal and external changes in preparation for nurturing an additional life.
With these various changes, a lot of symptoms begin to appear.
One common symptom in the 1st trimester is extreme exhaustion.
This is not the same thing as just feeling tired, but rather an all-consuming, no-escape type of fatigue.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Did you know that dehydration can be linked to fatigue? If youre feeling zapped of all your energy, despite exercise and a good diet, you may just need to drink more water.
Start with the recommended eight, eight-ounce glasses of water per day and then go up from there if you feel you need it.
Keeping a full water bottle at your desk or in your bag can be a good reminder to stay hydrated, but make sure the bottle is non-toxic and BPA-free.
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Drink Plenty Of Water:
The low levels of water in pregnancy can make you dehydrated, which eventually leads to problems like fatigue, lightheadedness, listless and low blood pressure. According to the World Health Organization, a pregnant woman should consume at least four liters of water per day. To avoid feeling lethargic, we recommend you drink water before you feel thirsty. If you’re fed up of drinking plain water, consider taking the water in other forms such as flavored beverages and decaffeinated teas.
Keep A Pregnancy Journal Or Dream Diary
Keep a journal throughout your pregnancy. If youre feeling anxious or stressed, try writing in it.
Pregnant women experience more vivid dreams and better dream recall, due to hormonal shifts affecting sleep patterns, increased fatigue, and repeatedly waking in the middle of a sleep cycle.
Sleep diaries can also be enlightening, providing concrete data about your bedtime, how long it takes for you to fall asleep, nighttime awakenings, awake time, and sleep quality.
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Supplements Like Magnesium Tablets
In pregnancy, one feels the need to eat different supplements to balance the process of different hormones in the body. Magnesium is really necessary during pregnancy as it converts sugar into energy. One can have magnesium tablets or magnesium, vitamins sources such as almonds, this will help the body to convert the sugars into energy which can help one to be active and boosted with energy the whole day.
Load Up On Iron & Vitamin C
Rememberyour body needs more iron than usual to get all of the extra blood & oxygen to your growing baby. If you have an iron deficiency, you are going to be more tired than normal.
Start adding foods with iron and vitamin C to your diet and your energy levels will perk right up. I like to add mangoes, spinach, and sweet potatoes to my diet, but you could also try red meats, fish, and poultry. The extra vitamin C helps you absorb that iron, so try eating a citrus fruit or some tomatoes.
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Dealing With Fatigue During Your Pregnancy
3-minute read
Feeling hot, tired or faint is quite common during pregnancy. Hormonal changes taking place in your body at this time can make you feel nauseous and emotional.
Being tired and run-down can also make you feel low. Try to look after your physical health by eating a healthy diet, doing some gentle exercise and getting plenty of rest and sleep.
Its common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy.
Lack Of Energy During The Second Trimester
More than likely you will have noticed an increase in your energy levels as the second-trimester approaches. However, do not give yourself a hard time if you are one of the many women who continue to experience a lack of energy while pregnant in the second trimester.An increase in energy levels during the second trimester is often what leads expecting mothers to take advantage of this time by baby planning, setting up the nursery, and shopping for things your baby will need.
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Strange Dreams During Pregnancy
You may have strange dreams or nightmares about the baby, and about labour and birth. This is normal.
Talking about them with your partner or midwife can help. Remember, just because you dream something, it does not mean its going to happen. Relaxation and breathing techniques may be helpful in reducing any anxiety you might be feeling.
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Follow A Healthy Diet
Dr. Weil suggests following a satisfying and nutritious anti-inflammatory diet to fight against pregnancy fatigure. Eat a variety of organic fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Also, you should steer clear of rapidly-digesting carbohydrates like white bread, because these cause you to “crash” and feel more sleepy. Eating a low-fat diet that’s high in iron and protein may also help. And be sure to stay hydrated and take your prenatal vitamin throughout pregnancyâand for at least six months postpartum.
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Can Fatigue Hurt My Baby
For the vast majority of women, fatigue during pregnancy is completely normal and wont harm you or your baby. After all, your body is undertaking the monumental task of making another human being, so its normal to feel more tired. While you might think you could fall through the floor, your baby doesnt feel a thing.
However if at any point during pregnancy your fatigue is severe and persistent, or if it lasts throughout your entire pregnancy, talk to your practitioner. Sometimes severe pregnancy fatigue can be a sign of a more serious condition that requires treatment.
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Consume Caffeine The Right Way
You donât need to give up caffeine altogether during pregnancy . The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggests limiting caffeine to less than 200 mg a day.
Be sure to watch out for hidden caffeine in black tea, green tea, and chocolate. Even decaf coffee contains some caffeine. And steer clear of energy drinks â they often contain ingredients that may not be safe for pregnancy.
When you do consume caffeine, do it at the right times of day. Drinking a cup of coffee is a great way to shake off sleep inertia, or that groggy feeling you get when you wake up. But avoid it too close to bedtime or you run the risk of struggling to fall asleep. RISE can tell you the best time to have your last cup of coffee for the day.
RISE users on iOS 1.202 and above can click here to set up their limit caffeine reminder.
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Find The Right Balance Of Exercise
You might find you canât hit the gym as often as you used to pre-pregnancy, or at least, not with the same intensity. Downgrading your exercise may help conserve some of your energy.
Swap long arduous hikes for gentle walks, HIIT classes for yoga classes or pregnancy pilates, and hill sprints for swims.
Of course, speak with your doctor to find out the right intensity of exercise for you.
Unless instructed to, you shouldnât give up exercise altogether, though. When youâre tired, you may not be in the mood to move, but exercise can help:
- Reduce the chances of developing gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
- Ease constipation.
- Control weight gain.
- Build core strength, which can reduce lower back pain, help during labor, and speed up recovery after giving birth.
- Finish your meals â one study found for every one-minute increase in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, pregnant women are 17% less likely to have trouble finishing a meal due to tiredness.
- Improve your sleep â mindful yoga has been shown to reduce nighttime awakenings, how long youâre awake for at night, and perceived sleep disturbances in women in their second trimester.
- Reduce sleep latency and sleep fragmentation in those who arenât pregnant. More research needs to be done to see how exercise can help improve sleep when pregnant.
RISE users on iOS 1.202 and above can click here to set up their avoid late workout reminder.
Nutrition For Expectant Moms
A healthy diet includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and plenty of water. The U.S. government publishes dietary guidelines that can help you determine how many servings of each kind of food to eat every day. Eating a variety of foods in the proportions indicated is a good step toward staying healthy.
Food labels can tell you what kinds of nutrients are in the foods you eat. The letters RDA, which you find on food labeling, stand for recommended daily allowance, or the amount of a nutrient recommended for your daily diet. When youre pregnant, the RDAs for most nutrients are higher.
Here are some of the most common nutrients you need and the foods that contain them:
Nutrient |
meat, whole-milk dairy products, nuts, peanut butter, margarine, vegetable oils |
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Schedule An Iv Therapy Session Online Today
If youve been experiencing pregnancy fatigue, Arizona IV Medics can help you rehydrate and feel more energized. When you reach out to us about one of our IVs for nausea or fatigue, you can expect us to arrive at your home, hotel room or office within the hour. One of our paramedics will assess your symptoms, take your vitals and make a recommendation on which IV would work best for you. We serve a 20-mile radius around Denver. If you are ready to schedule your in-home therapy, just call, text orfill out our online contact formand we will be in touch.
Last Reviewed byMatt Heistanon November 1, 2020.
The Best Natural Ways To Fight Pregnancy Fatigue
Pregnancy fatigue during your first and third trimesters is a common annoyance. Here are some safe solutions to help boost your energy and combat exhaustion.
Theres tired, and then theres pregnancy tired. Its normal to feel like youve got the worlds worst case of jet lag when youre pregnant, especially in the first trimester. In fact, for some women, this early pregnancy fatigue is even more of an adjustment than morning sickness. Even though its frustrating, being tired is actually a good sign, since it indicates that your pregnancy hormones are circulating and your body is hard at work helping your baby grow. There are many reasons why you feel tired all the time now, including:
- Youre not sleeping as well these days.
- Chronic morning sickness is exhausting and makes it hard for you to eat, which is how you get re-energized.
- Increased levels of the hormone progesterone can make you extra sleepy.
- Your heart is pumping harder to accommodate an increase in blood volume.
- Sharing vital nutrients with your baby can leave you deficient and fatigued.
- Carrying extra weight is tiring .
The good news is that you can increase your energy levels with a few simple steps, according to Andrew Weil, M.D. Here are some natural ways to combat pregnancy exhaustion, giving you more energy to conquer your everyday tasks.
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When Should I See My Doctor Or Midwife About Fatigue During Pregnancy
Fatigue is very common and normal during pregnancy. Still, dont hesitate to talk to your care provider at any point along your prenatal appointment timeline if you have questions or concerns about your level of tiredness.
But keep in mind, there are times when fatigue may be a symptom of a pregnancy complication like anemia, depression or gestational diabetes. Call your care provider if you experience sudden fatigue, fatigue that completely stops you from doing your daily tasks or if you have fatigue with any of the following:
- Pain in the chest, abdomen or head
Why Am I So Tired During Pregnancy
Tiredness in pregnancy, particularly if youre in your first trimester is very common. One of the first signs of pregnancy is fatigue and in addition to hormonal changes, emotional and physical changes can reduce your energy levels, making you feel more tired. When feelings of tiredness strike during pregnancy, it can be quite sudden and you may go from leading an active, busy lifestyle to needing more rest and sleep than usual.
Some physical and emotional changes that can contribute to increased levels of fatigue during pregnancy include:
- Increased blood flow
- The frequent need to urinate
- Disrupted sleep, causing you to feel more tired
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Schedule More Time To Sleep
Simply giving yourself more time to sleep can help keep you energized throughout the day.
Listen to your body. Take a power nap if you need to, but try to limit the length to one hour, at most. Napping for too long may leave you feeling more sluggish.
Teresa Ann Hoffman, M.D. is an OB-GYN at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Teresa suggests napping between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to avoid having problems falling asleep at night.
Take advantage of your burst of energy and, if possible, take a power nap when you are feeling sluggish. Its all about balance.
Not convinced? Check out WebMDs article on the Secrets of Power Naps.
How Can Iv Therapy Help Expecting Mothers
Another safe way to fight off exhaustion while pregnant is through IV therapy. Regardless of what stage of your pregnancy you are in, you can benefit from rehydrating and receiving the right balance of nutrients. When you are pregnant, you might experience morning sickness along with fatigue. If nausea leads to vomiting, you could be losing a lot of fluids, putting yourself at risk for dehydration. With IV therapy, you can replenish those lost fluids, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, keeping you and your growing baby hydrated and healthy.
For both fatigue and morning sickness, our team of paramedics recommends the Myers Cocktail IV. This blend contains:
Together, the ingredients in this cocktail can help alleviate your symptoms. After your first trimester, we can also add an antiemetic, Zofran, to help treat and prevent nausea and vomiting.
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How Long Does Tiredness Last In Early Pregnancy
Fatigue is most common during the first trimester of pregnancy. During the second trimester, you often get some of your stamina back, which can make you feel revitalized and refreshed.
Fatigue during pregnancy often reappears towards the third trimester as your baby starts putting on fat. Youre also carrying around a lot of extra weight!
Dont Push Yourself *too* Hard But Definitely Keep Exercising
If youre extremely tired, your bodys trying to tell you something-likely that its time to rest. So, first and foremost, dont overdo it.
That said, if youre used to daily Spin classes or long runs and suddenly stop your exercise routine in its tracks, it could cause your overall energy levels to sink, and you might notice your mood take a dip thanks to a change in endorphin levels, says Dr. Friedman. Its important to stay active in pregnancy if youre accustomed to it, he says.
A few things to remember: With a baby on the way, your heart rates going to be higher than normal, which means youll feel the effects of exercise sooner and from lower intensities. This will continue as your baby grows, too.
This is all to say that you can still go to your Spin classes or out for a jog, but you might just have to crank down the resistance or cut back your mileage. As for strength training, Dr. Friedman suggests decreasing weight and increasing reps. Fortunately, research finds that even low- to moderate-intensity exercise can quash fatigue and improve energy in pregnancy.
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When Is Pregnancy Exhaustion Not Normal
While exhaustion is a common symptom of pregnancy, extreme fatigue is not normal and may be a sign of an underlying health condition. Dr. Saunders said you should see your health care provider if your fatigue is severe and persistent.
A sudden onset of exhaustion and continual symptoms may be a sign of abnormal fatigue, she said. When fatigue is associated with fever, chest pain, difficulty breathing or an inability to perform routine daily activities, you should see your OBGYN for evaluation.
Some of the potential underlying causes for your fatigue both during and outside of pregnancy may be due to the following:
- Gestational diabetes: Your body may become resistant to insulin during pregnancy, which can cause you to feel very tired. Other symptoms include extreme thirst and frequent urination.
- Anemia: A lack of iron can cause you to have an insufficient number of red blood cells to transport oxygen to your tissues and can cause you to feel tired, lightheaded and weak.
- Infections : Being pregnant can make you more vulnerable to infections, such as urinary tract infections, which can make you fatigued.
- Thyroid problems: Having too much or too little thyroid hormones can cause you fatigue, along with fluctuations in your weight, irritability and depression.
- Prenatal depression: Feeling tired all the time can also be a side effect of depression. Other symptoms may include sadness, feelings of hopelessness and an inability to complete daily tasks or activities.