How To Help With Heartburn While Pregnant

If Youre Expecting You May Also Experience Heartburn Discover What Doctors Have To Say About Heartburn And How To Get Relief Fast

Pregnancy Heartburn: Causes, Symptoms, and Foods that Help

Along with swollen feet, frequent urination, and unusual cravings, heartburn is an issue that affects women during pregnancy. Heartburn is defined as a burning sensation in the upper part of the digestive tract and throat.1

If you are suffering from heartburn while expecting, read on to learn what obstetricians and gynecologists recommend for relief. However, you should still discuss your heartburn condition with your own doctor for a solution thats right for you.

How Do You Treat Heartburn During Pregnancy

Besides taking Gaviscon, Pepcid, or some other over-the-counter concoction that may or may not be suitable for pregnant women, there are quite a few natural, organic remedies that you can use to quell the burning sensation. Chewing on sugarless gum is a surefire way to increase saliva production, which can neutralize excess acid in your esophagus. Note that sugarless gum does contain artificial sweeteners, but it is usually fine in moderation. Also note that mint can often exacerbate heartburn in some people, so opt for a non-minty flavor if it happens to affect you.

There are several foods you can eat that make things easier on your tummy as well. Almonds also help neutralize stomach acids and are a good source of protein. They also make a great snack. Almond milk will work for this too, as will cow’s milk, warmed up with a spoonful a liquid sweetener. These base liquids will also help neutralize the discordant acids of the stomach. Papaya is high in vitamins A and C, and has been known to calm sour stomachs for years. Try it fresh, dried, or freeze-dried all of them will do the trick.

Learn What Causes Heartburn For Youthen Avoid It

Fat, caffeine, chocolate, citruspregnant women with heartburn have been advised to avoid all of the above at one time or another. But what causes reflux in one woman might not be a trigger for another.

Rather than tell his pregnant patients to avoid a specific food, Dr. Richter says he advises them to stay away from foods that specifically aggravate them. Everybody’s different, Dr. Richter says. Some pregnant women can chow down on spicy Mexican food or a plate of spaghetti and meatballs with no ill effects.

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Effective Ways On How To Get Rid Of Heartburn During Pregnancy Fast

We know that you are already itching to know how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy fast.

As you already know, heartburn is a digestive problem that causes pain in the stomach area. Potentially, it can affect your pregnancy if ignored. Apart from drugs, there are also several alternatives to medicine for its effective cure. Continue reading to learn about the best way to get rid of heartburn when pregnant.

  • Stay Sway From Trigger Foods

While discovering how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy fast, the first thing you should do is to identify and avoid foods that trigger or intensify your heartburn. If you notice that you experience stomach issues, acid reflux or heartburn when you eat certain foods, remove them from your menu until you deliver.

Certain common foods known to cause or increase heartburn or stomach acid are spicy or highly-seasoned foods, processed meats, caffeine, citrus, mint, fatty or fried foods, garlic, chocolate, onions, alcohol, and carbonated beverages. Research or contact your doctor for foods that wont cause heartburn during pregnancy.

  • Eat Smaller Food Portions All Through the Day

Another best way to get rid of heartburn when pregnant is to consume small food portions throughout the day. This means that you should skip the usual three large square meals for smaller meal portions with snacks.

  • Dont Drink Liquids Along With Food
  • Sit Straight While You Eat
  • Eat Slowly and Chew More
  • Sleep With Your Head Elevated 6 to 9 Inches

Does Water Help With Acid Reflux During Pregnancy

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Water can be a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to affecting GERD symptoms in pregnancy. Dr. Johnson notes that some women find that drinking water after a meal helps. It is thought that it may reduce the level of acidity in the stomach. However, Dr. Ross suggests saving the water for non-meal times, as drinking large amounts while eating may fill up the stomach and increase the risk of acid reflux and heartburn.

Because stomach volume is reduced due to the growing uterus, consuming too much water can provoke GERD symptoms. Any extra water you drink can overwhelm the lower esophageal sphincter, causing uncomfortable symptoms. In other words, drink water in moderation, preferably after or between meals, to avoid provoking symptoms.

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Home Remedies For Heartburn During Pregnancy

Its one thing to seek relief from heartburn during pregnancy its another to try to prevent it from happening in the first place. While it may be caused by physical and biological changes, you can still work to reduce discomfort and eliminate episodes with a few diet and lifestyle changes. Here are some steps to take:

Sleep With Your Head And Chest Elevated A Bit

Many people with acid reflux swear by their “bedges,” wedge-shaped pillows that gently slant your upper body upwards to keep stomach acid where it belongs.

  • And there’s no need for buying a pricey special product, Dr. Richter says. “You can get these at places like Bed, Bath and Beyond for about $25,” he says. We like the Boppy Pregnancy Wedge .

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Medicines For Indigestion And Heartburn

Medicines for indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy include:

  • antacids to neutralise the acid in your stomach
  • alginates to relieve indigestion caused by acid reflux by stopping the acid in your stomach coming back up your gullet

You may only need to take antacids and alginates when you start getting symptoms. However, your GP may recommend taking them before symptoms come on for example, before a meal or before bed.

If you’re taking iron supplements as well as antacids, do not take them at the same time. Antacids can stop iron from being absorbed by your body.

If antacids and alginates do not improve your symptoms, your GP may prescribe a medicine to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. 2 that are widely used in pregnancy and not known to be harmful to an unborn baby are:

Why Is Gerd Common During Pregnancy

How to relieve heartburn while pregnant. I Pregnancy tips.

GERD is practically a hallmark of pregnancy because changing hormone levels can affect the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. The hormone progesterone, producedin large amounts by the placenta, is a smooth muscle relaxant, according toHeather Johnson, MD, an OB-GYN at Reiter, Hill and Johnson of Advantia Health in the Washington, D.C. area. The relaxation of muscles in the digestive system also causes the lower esophageal sphincter muscles to relax. This allows stomach acid to more easily make its way into the esophagus. This, combined with the increasing size of the uterus in the second and third trimesters, pushes the stomach upward and intensifies uncomfortable symptoms. Hence, symptoms tend to worsen as the pregnancy progresses, Dr. Johnson notes.

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When Can I Expect Heartburn To End

Someday, scientists may very well invent a miracle medication that promises permanent pregnancy heartburn relief. Unfortunately, that hasnt happened yet.

So, if youre wondering how long you can expect to deal with heartburn while youre pregnant, it will probably be throughout your entire pregnancy.

However, just because theres no cure, that doesnt mean you cant find some relief in the meantime.

Causes Of Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn in pregnancy may happen because of changing hormone levels, which can affect the muscles of the digestive tract and how your body handles different foods.

Pregnancy hormones can cause your lower esophageal sphincter to relax, allowing stomach acids to flow back up into your esophagus. Also, as your baby grows, your enlarged uterus can crowd the abdomen, pushing stomach acids upward. Although it’s rare, gallstones can also cause heartburn during pregnancy.

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Treatment Of Heartburn During Pregnancy

If your heartburn wonât go away, see your doctor. They may prescribe or recommend OTC medications that are safe to take during pregnancy. Heartburn usually disappears following childbirth.

Medications may include:

Over-the-counter antacids such as calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide. These are generally safe to use during pregnancy. You may find that liquid heartburn relievers are more effective in treating heartburn, because they coat the esophagus.

H2 blockers. These medications block chemical signals that produce stomach acid. They include cimetidine and famotidine , and theyâre available in over the counter and prescription strengths.

Proton pump inhibitors . Like H2 blockers, these drugs help cut down on stomach acid. PPIs, which include lansoprazole and omeprazole , are available over the counter and by prescription.

If you take iron supplements, talk to your doctor before you take a PPI or H2 blocker. These medications can make the supplements less effective.

Heres What Other Mamas Have To Say About Relieving Heartburn During Pregnancy Naturally

How to Treat Heartburn during Pregnancy

I asked the moms on my Facebook page about their go-to natural remedies for pregnancy heartburn, and here is a sample of their responses.

  • Apple cider vinegar, pickle juice, digestive enzymes! Katie Keepman
  • An apple in the morning and right before bed. Elsa Silva
  • It may sound weird, but I would either drink a little pickle juice, or eat a spoonful of peanut butter and within about 5-10 minutes was gone. Jessica Fields
  • Baking soda in a little bit of water helped! Was it gross? A little, but still more enjoyable than heartburn! Erin M. Strand
  • Maybe not the healthiest, but I always had ginger snaps next to my bed. I ate one or two at night for the heartburn and another one or two in the morning for the nausea. Sarah Gilroy
  • I didnt treat my heartburn with any natural remedies, but did learn that bad heartburn can often present itself as nausea/morning sickness! Women who experiences bad nausea/MS should consider your remedies as well! Renee Jillian
  • So far, wearing hazelwood helps some. Not perfect, but helps a little. Susan Miller
  • I had heard to eat a few green olives. So when a pregnant friend was needing relief, I suggested her to try itand it works!!! Shawna Beaubien
  • Liquid slippery elm works instantly! Ashly Burke-Goike

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Prevention And Treatment Of Heartburn During Pregnancy

To ease heartburn during pregnancy without medications, you should try the following:

  • Eat several small meals each day instead of three large ones.
  • Avoid fatty, fried, spicy, or rich foods.
  • Avoid chocolate, coffee, caffeine, and mint.
  • Drink less fluid while eating. Drinking large amounts while eating may increase the risk of acid reflux and heartburn.
  • Don’t lie down right after eating.
  • Keep the head of your bed higher than the foot of your bed.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing. Tight-fitting clothes can increase the pressure on your stomach and abdomen.
  • Try to sleep on your left side. Your stomach is on the left, so it’s harder for acids to get into the esophagus at this angle.
  • Chew a piece of gum. This creates more saliva with bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acid in the esophagus when swallowed.

If your heartburn persists, see your doctor. They may recommend over-the-counter antacids or prescribe drugs that are safe to take during pregnancy. Pregnancy-related heartburn usually disappears after childbirth.

How To Avoid Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn or indigestion may not be new for you. You may have had it during your first trimester and then it went away. But now, it’s back. And you’re likely wondering why.

Many pregnant women have heartburn at some point. The hormone progesterone relaxes the ring-like sphincter at the base of your esophagus. This normally closes off entry to the stomach. When it doesnt close, food mixed with digestive enzymes can back up into your esophagus. The result: irritation and a burning sensation in your chest. And in the third trimester, you can also feel full because your growing uterus is putting pressure on your stomach.

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Does Heartburn/acid Reflux Mean A Hairy Baby

Do you have heartburn/acid reflux during pregnancy?

Dont be discouraged because the good news is your baby wont be bald when born. Science has backed up the belief that the more heartburn you have during pregnancy, the more likely your baby will be born with a full head of hair on average.

It seems that hormones responsible for heartburn are the same ones that cause hair to sprout on fetal. Although, surprisingly, that stood true for both of my pregnancies, both of my babies were born with a head full of hair.

How To Relieve Pregnancy Heartburn

Pregnancy Tips : How to Avoid Heartburn While Pregnant

When youre experiencing heartburn, a handful of raw almonds can help you feel better, as can ginger or ginger tea. Also, try snacking on pineapple, which can act as a digestive enzyme. After dinner, we know its tempting to lie on the couch and watch Netflix, but try going on a walk to ease your heartburn. In terms of medications, its considered safe to take Tums, Gaviscon or Ranitidine , but its a good idea to talk to your health care provider before taking any medication.

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Why It Heartburn Happens

Heartburn is common in pregnancy due to the hormonal changes that happen during this period, as well as being caused by the babyâs development, which can cause stomach compression, which can make the contents of the stomach to go back up the esophagus towards the mouth, leading to heartburn symptoms.

In addition, heartburn during pregnancy can also be caused by your diet. Thus, it is recommend to avoid eating fatty foods, foods with caffeine, and avoid taking in liquids during meals. In some cases, the doctor may also recommend some type of medication, such as Dimethicone to help with digestion.

Heartburn Symptoms And Pre

If your heartburn symptoms don’t go away with medicine, it’s important to see your doctor as it may be a sign of something more serious, such as pre-eclampsia. A pregnant woman with pre-eclampsia usually has high blood pressure and problems with her kidneys. Pre-eclampsia could also seriously affect a woman’s liver, blood and brain. Any pregnant woman can experience pre-eclampsia â almost 1 in 20 Australian women will develop it.

Because pre-eclampsia is dangerous for both you and your baby, you should let your doctor know if your heartburn medicine is not working. This is especially important if you’re also feeling very unwell or you have:

  • sudden swelling of your hands, feet or face
  • a headache that doesn’t go away with simple painkillers
  • problems with your eyesight such as blurring or seeing flashing lights or dots
  • a strong pain below your ribs

Find out more about how pre-eclampsia is treated here.

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How To Find Pregnancy Heartburn Relief

Heartburn happens, but theres no need to suffer in silence. There are several proactive and reactive steps you can take to get pregnancy heartburn reliefbut it might involve some trial and error and a few conversations with your doctor.

Certain over-the-counter and prescription medications can help treat heartburn symptoms in pregnancy, and some simple diet and lifestyle changes may work to prevent episodes in the first place. Here are a few tips to get you started:

How Can Heartburn During Pregnancy Be Prevented

Heartburn During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes &  Remedies

You can take steps to reduce heartburn symptoms without hurting your baby.

Dietary changes:

  • Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Drink between your meals, but not with meals.
  • Avoid fried, spicy or fatty foods.
  • Avoid citrus fruits and juices.
  • Limit caffeine.
  • Dont smoke and avoid alcohol. Besides causing heartburn, smoking and drinking during pregnancy can cause health problems for the baby.

Other tips to avoid heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Sit up straight when you eat.
  • Dont eat late at night.
  • Dont lie down right after eating.
  • Keep the head of your bed higher than the foot of the bed. Or try placing pillows under your shoulders. Doing so helps prevent stomach acids from rising into your chest.

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Top Trigger Foods For Acid Reflux

  • Spicy foods can trigger acid reflux. If youve got a craving for spicy food, it might not be the best time to give in to this craving. Foods such as pepper, onions, and garlic can irritate the stomach lining and trigger acid production. Avoid acid reflux symptoms by staying away from spicy foods during your pregnancy.
  • Fatty foods slow down digestion and trigger heartburn. Avoid foods like hamburgers, french fries, steaks, certain cheeses, and chocolate. These foods are all high in fats and could lead to symptom flare-ups.
  • Avoid late night snacking. Its not just certain foods that can trigger acid reflux, its also eating habits that could worsen acid reflux in pregnant women. Late night snacking leads to acid reflux because there the body isnt being given enough time to digest the food before falling asleep.

If youre keen on having late night snacks, choose healthier options like fruits and oatmeal and stay up for another couple of hours before heading to bed.

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