How To Know If You May Be Pregnant

When Is Sex Determined

How to Know If You’re Pregnant

Your babys sex is set as soon as the sperm meets the egg. Its at the point of conception when a baby gets 23 chromosomes from each of their parents. Along with the gender, things like eye color, hair color, and even intelligence are already determined.

Your babys genitals start to develop around week 11 of pregnancy. Still, you wont usually be able to learn the sex for several more weeks via ultrasound. Of course, that doesnt stop moms-to-be and their families from making predictions.

Stay In Bed Right After Intercourse

You have probably heard this one — lie in bed with your feet in the air after having sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant. The verdict? Not true.

“It’s good advice to lay in bed for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse, but you don’t need your feet in the air,” Goldfarb says. “Your pelvis does not move when you put your legs in the air.” Don’t go the bathroom during this time either, he says. “If you wait 10 to 15 minutes, the sperm that is going to get into the cervix will be in the cervix.”

When Can You Confirm Your Pregnancy

If you think you might be pregnant because you missed your period or are experiencing some of the early symptoms of pregnancy listed above, you can take a home pregnancy test.These tests can confirm a pregnancy by checking your urine for the presence of a hormone called hCG.

If you think you may be pregnant, but the test says otherwise, test again after a few more days or speak to your healthcare provider. You can also ask your provider to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test. Think you might be pregnant? Take our Am I Pregnant quiz. It wonât tell you for sure, but itâs all good fun!

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You Can’t Feel The Iud Strings

Your IUD is shaped like the letter T, with thin strings at the bottom that are used to ensure that it can be removed easily when you decide you do want to get pregnant. But it can also act as a guide to show you that itâs in its proper place. Now, if you canât feel the strings, that doesnât mean that your IUD has moved it could be that theyâve curled up, Self explained. But in cases whereyour IUD has undergone expulsion or perforation, you might not be protected against pregnancy, especially if youâve had sex. If youâre unsure if your IUD is still in place, you can schedule a sonogram with your ob/gyn, who can confirm its location â and if you might be pregnant.

Pros Of Blood Testing

Sweet Leigh Mama
  • Blood tests can detect pregnancy earlier than a home pregnancy test, about 6 to 8 days after ovulation, or about 7 – 12 days after possible conception .
  • This could mean that you get a result as early as 9 days after possible conception, or 5 days earlier than a home pregnancy test would be able to detect .

For most women, it makes more sense to wait and do a pregnancy test at home because of its convenience and low cost, as well as the fact that you’d only find out a day or two earlier with a blood test .

For others, especially those with a high risk for miscarriage or other pregnancy complications, their doctor may recommend getting a blood test.

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Your Boobs Are Sore & Heavy

If your boobs are aching and feel a bit fuller, it could be a sign. “Breast changes are early signs of pregnancy,” says Walters. “The moment you conceive, hormones send signals to the breasts to get ready in 40 weeks.” However, this may not be as pronounced of a , if this isn’t your first, according to the Mayo Clinic â they may not be as tender or experience as much of a change in size, if that’s the case.

Am I Pregnant 12 Early Signs Of Pregnancy

ByCari Nierenberg, Sarah Wild, Ailsa Harveypublished 15 December 21

The early signs of pregnancy can differ between women. Here are some of the clues your body may provide.

Looking out for the early signs of pregnancy in the body can help you to find out if you have become successful in conceiving. When discovering you are pregnant, it can be the start of a remarkable, life-changing experience. That journey often starts with the question: “Am I pregnant?”

The first sign is usually a missed period, followed by a pregnancy test, said Lia Moss, a certified nurse midwife at Northwestern Medicine, who delivers babies at Prentice Women’s Hospital in Chicago.

Pregnancy tests, whether done at home or at a doctor’s office, measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s urine or blood. This hormone is released when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. Urine pregnancy tests can detect levels of hCG about 10 days after conception, Moss told Live Science, while blood tests, usually done at a doctor’s office, can detect a pregnancy about seven to 10 days after conception. Testing too soon can produce a false negative result. A woman’s due date is calculated from the first day of her last period.

“The first trimester can be very hard for some women,” Moss said, but after that many mothers-to-be start feeling better.

Here are 12 clues that a woman may notice during her first trimester to indicate she may be pregnant.

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Recognizing Pregnancy Later On

  • 1Look at the shape of their abdomen. A person’s body changes a lot during pregnancy, particularly in their abdomen. As the baby grows, the abdomen needs to expand to accommodate. This can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from belly fat in the same area, but a pregnancy has some subtle distinguishing characteristics. Weight gain in the belly area that looks like a well-defined bump, but little to no weight gain in other areas of the body is most likely caused by pregnancy. If you happen to accidentally bump into them, keep in mind that a pregnant belly is also much firmer than belly fat.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • 2Take note of their breasts. Enlarged, growing breasts are a common physical change because breast tissue is very sensitive to hormonal changes. If you dont know this person, this might not be helpful since you dont have a pre-pregnancy breast size to compare their current size to however, some pregnant people in the later stages of pregnancy have disproportionately large breasts to the rest of their body because they swell with milk production.XResearch source
  • 4Notice how they are moving around. As their body begins to change and grow, many pregnant people also begin experiencing changes to their mobility. Keep an eye out for these common signs:
  • I Think I Might Be Pregnant

    4 Weeks Pregnant: What You Need To Know – Channel Mum

    Nothing is more likely to make you feel like youre in limbo than suspecting that youre pregnant but not knowing for sure. Sure, it can cause you undue stress, worry, and anxiety, but it can also make you feel hopeful and excited.

    Early warning signs and symptoms can give you a heads up that you may be pregnant. Just keep in mind that they are not to be taken as sure signs of pregnancy, but rather indicators instead. Youll want to take a pregnancy test to know for sure.

    Not all women experience pregnancy the same, nor do they experience the same early pregnancy symptoms. While many do experience early pregnancy symptoms, they may be different for you than they are for your colleague or best friend.

    Whats more, if youve been pregnant before, the early symptoms you experience this time around may not be the same as your last pregnancy. Keep in mind, that many of these symptoms mimic menstruation symptoms before you get your period and after so you might be pregnant and not even realize it.

    Below are some of the common early pregnancy signs and symptoms. However, its important to know that these symptoms could be due to other things going on with your body other than pregnancy. Therefore, youre not necessarily pregnant if you notice any of the symptoms below. Again, as it bears repeating, the only way to know for sure if youre pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.

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    Clinical Diagnosis Of Pregnancy In Cats

    If your queen has had regular veterinary care and the previous signs of pregnancy are evident, it may not be necessary to get an official diagnosis from a veterinarian. However, it’s a good idea for your vet to examine your cat and make sure she is in good condition.

    • Palpation of the Cat’s Abdomen: Your veterinarian may be able to feel your pregnant cat’s fetuses by palpating and gently pressing on her abdomen. This typically happens around the 17th to 25th day of pregnancy.
    • Ultrasound of Your Cat’s Abdomen: An ultrasound may detect fetuses as early as the second week of pregnancy, and heartbeats may be detected sometime after the third week.
    • Radiographs : Your vet can take a radiograph of your cat’s abdomen when she is further along in her pregnancy to determine the number of kittens she is carrying. This is a minor amount of radiation that will not be harmful to the kittens or the mother. Kitten spines and skulls begin to be visible on x-rays after about 42 days into the pregnancy.

    If your resident or rescued cat is indeed confirmed pregnant, some serious decision-making time is at hand. If you decide to spay her and prevent the pregnancy from coming to term, it should be done as early as possible. If not, be prepared to help care for the kittens and find them all good homes.

    A Personal Note: What My Pregnancy Symptoms Were Like

    Some of these pregnancy symptoms are hard to quantify, especially when it’s something like “feeling different.” But, you may well feel different somehow even though you can’t explain how you feel different.

    In my first pregnancy, the earliest signs for me were the enlarged nipples and breasts and breast tenderness as well as feeling dizzy, sick and extremely tired. And yesâI did feel different!

    During my second pregnancy, the most noticeable early symptoms were a metallic taste in my mouth, an aversion to drinking tea and a heightened sense of smell. This last symptom got worse and worse throughout my pregnancy and it became difficult to manage all of the smells that made me either feel sick or actually be sick. Smells I couldn’t handle were anything soapy such as body wash and deodorant, perfume, aftershave and alcohol. There were a lot more, but these were the main ones.

    For my third pregnancy, me, my husband and our daughter were away traveling around Europe in our motorhome. We’d stopped to work on a farm for a few weeks, when I started to feel incredibly tired.

    I couldn’t work out why I felt that way after a good night’s sleep and I had no other symptoms of illness, so I tried drinking extra coffee to keep me awake . Then a few days later I started feeling really unwell to the point I spent around four days laying down resting, but no real symptoms as suchâI might describe them like the flu without the sore throat and cough.

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    Determining If Someone Is Pregnant Early On

  • 1Look for a change in clothing. Early on in a pregnancy, many people begin wearing baggy clothes or clothing that looks like it could hide a “baby bump.” As their belly grows, many people also need to buy maternity pants or clothing in a larger size. If you notice that they are wearing unusual clothing for their normal style or they are shopping for outfits in larger sizes, it could be because they are expecting.XResearch source
  • 2Listen when they discusses their eating habits. Many pregnant people experience changes in appetite as well as changes in the types of foods they want to eat. Because of this, paying attention to their complaints or comments about food can help determine if they’re pregnant:XResearch source
  • Cravings: Not all pregnant people experience this, but some people find that they want to eat strange combinations of food or that they only want to eat one type of food . Pay attention when they talk about what they feel like eating!
  • Food aversions: Many pregnant people experience the sudden onset of food issues with a particular type of food they never had a problem with before. If you know they love sushi and suddenly even the thought of fish turns their stomach, they might be pregnant.
  • Oh no! How long has your back been hurting?
  • I heard you say earlier that youve been feeling lightheaded lately, have you been getting dizzy like that for a while?
  • They are noticeably too tired to keep up with everyday activities.
  • What Is The Best Way To Confirm Pregnancy

    6 ways to know if you are pregnant before taking a ...

    The best way to confirm pregnancy is to do a blood test measuring the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. Women can also take a home pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests are fairly reliable but may occasionally be a false-positive. This can occur for a number of reasons, including having a chemical or ectopic pregnancy or even taking certain medications. Following a positive home pregnancy test with a doctors visit for a urine or blood test to confirm the pregnancy is the best way to confirm a pregnancy.

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    You Have Characteristics That Increase The Odds

    While sometimes a twin pregnancy just “happens,” there are some characteristics that increase the odds that a woman will have twins or multiples, including:

    • Conception while breastfeeding or on birth control pills: Hormone fluctuations may affect your odds of having twins.
    • Family history: Having “the twin gene” makes a woman more susceptible to having a fraternal twin birth, in which more than one egg is released at once. There may also be genetic associations in some identical twins, where one embryo divides.
    • Fertility treatments: As hormonal treatments such as in vitro fertilization become more common, the frequency of twin births increases, as well, thanks to the resulting ovarian stimulation that may release more than one egg at a time.
    • Higher body mass index : A BMI above 25 is associated with an increased probability of having twins.
    • Maternal age: The probability of having a twin pregnancy increases with maternal age.

    However, many incidences of twins are random and not attributable to any specific cause or characteristic. For many families, their double blessing is simply a result of luck!

    Checking For Hormonal Changes

  • 1Pay attention to your menstrual cycle. Pregnant women do not menstruate during the course of their pregnancies. If you miss a period, that is usually the most obvious indicator that you are pregnant. Nonetheless, you can miss periods for other reasons, such as stress or even overexercising.XTrustworthy SourceCleveland ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • If you don’t already, get in the habit of keeping track of your menstrual cycle so that you can better detect a late or missed period.
  • All you need to do is mark when you start and end your period on the calendar. That way, you can see how your cycle generally runs. There are also mobile apps that make it convenient and easy to track your cycle.
  • 2Feel for swollen or painful breasts. Because of the hormones released in early pregnancy, you may notice some changes in your breasts. They may swell slightly or be somewhat sore to the touch.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • You may also notice that your breasts feel “fuller” or heavier. Your nipples may feel swollen, painful, or tingly.XResearch source
  • 3Look out for spotting and vaginal discharge. You may have spotting when the newly fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. Implantation usually happens within a week to a week and a half after fertilization. This symptom can last for about 3 months.XResearch source
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    Varicose Veins And Leg Oedema

    Varicose veins of the legs are very common in pregnancy due to a combination of factors, including increased volume of circulating blood during pregnancy, and pressure of the pregnant uterus on the larger veins. This increased pressure on the veins can also result in swelling of the legs that can cause pain, feelings of heaviness, cramps and other unusual sensations.

    If you have varicose veins, it is recommended that you:

    • Wear support stockings.
    • Avoid standing for long periods.
    • Exercise gently and regularly .
    • Lie down to rest with feet elevated, when you can.
    • Try massaging your legs.

    Sore Breasts And Tingly Nipples

    3 Weeks Pregnant: What You Need To Know – Channel Mum

    A few women complain of sore, tender, and painful breasts. The areolas and nipples might turn darker, and there could be small spots around the nipples. You may also see some pimple-like white spots around the areola .

    These changes in breasts could be mistaken to be a symptom of PMS symptom and not of pregnancy, or vice-versa.

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    Youve Missed Your Period

    If youâre in your childbearing years, sexually active, and more than a week has passed since the day your period was expected to start, itâs very possible youâre pregnant. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, have recently experienced significant weight loss or weight gain, or stopped taking your birth control pills, a missed period may not be a reason to worry. However, missed periods are perhaps the most tell-tale sign of a potential pregnancy, so be sure to take a pregnancy test if youâre in this situation. Many pregnant women experience some bleeding around two weeks after fertilization and mistake it for a light period, but a missed period on their next cycle will indicate a pregnancy. â

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