How To Prevent Pregnancy Without Pills

Lower Your Chances Of A Uti

The Emergency Contraceptive Pill (Health Workers) – Family Planning Series

Weeing soon after having sex will help flush out any bacteria that you might have been exposed to during sex. Drinking lots of water is also really helpful.

Bacteria that gets into your urethra can cause an infection, which means it can make it hurt to wee, you might need to wee more often, or you could have pain in your tummy.

Sex increases your risk of developing a UTI, and because of the way female bodies are set up, females are more likely to develop a UTI.

If you do later think you have a UTI, make an appointment at Family Planning or with your doctor to get some antibiotics. This will clear up most UTIs in a few days.

When To Run A Pregnancy Test After Unprotected Sex

Now that you have an answer to your question how to avoid pregnancy after sex, you may want to know the right time for a pregnancy test after unprotected sex.

You should take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after having unprotected sex. It is not advisable to run a pregnancy test earlier than two weeks because the hormone levels in the body may not be high enough to detect the pregnancy.

Which Types Of Birth Control Help Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections

Only two types can protect you from STIs, including HIV: male condoms and female condoms.4

While condoms are the best way to prevent STIs if you have sex, they are not the most effective type of birth control. If you have sex, the best way to prevent both STIs and pregnancy is to use what is called “dual protection.” Dual protection means you use a condom to prevent STIs each time you have sex, and at the same time, you use a more effective form of birth control, such as an IUD, implant, or shot.

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Cervical Secretion Monitoring Method

There’s a change in the amount and texture of your cervical secretions during different times in your menstrual cycle.

You can check this by gently placing your middle finger into your vagina and pushing it up to around your middle knuckle. For the first few days after your period, you’ll probably find your vagina is dry and you cannot feel any mucus.

As your hormone levels rise to prepare your body for ovulation, you’ll probably find that you start to produce mucus that is moist, sticky, white and creamy. This is the start of the fertile period of your menstrual cycle.

Immediately before ovulation the mucus will get wetter, clearer and slippery a bit like raw egg white. This is when you’re at your most fertile.

The mucus should then soon return to being thicker and sticky, and after 3 days you should no longer be fertile.

How Do I Take It

How to Prevent Pregnancy Without Taking Birth Control Pills?

You will be given three pills to take immediately, and three pills to take 12 h later. If you will be unable to take them in 12 h, you can delay your first dose so that you can take the second dose 12 h later. For instance, if it is 10 oclock at night, and at 10 tomorrow morning you will be in math class, you can wait until midnight to take the first pills and take the next ones at lunchtime. The second dose of pills is very important.

  • Do not drive or drink any alcohol for the next 24 h after the second set of pills. The medication that you take to prevent nausea may make you feel drowsy.
  • Do not take any extra birth control pills. They will not decrease your chance of getting pregnant and will likely increase nausea and vomiting.

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What Other Information Should I Know

Keep all appointments with your doctor.

Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about levonorgestrel.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

Perceived Efficacy And Side Effects Of Using Emergency Contraceptive Pills

Firstly, the study found that some participants have doubts about the efficacy of medically approved ECPs, are exaggerating the side effects of ECPs and are associating it with infertility:

Too much of Postinor can cause damage to ones womb, and one may not be able to fall pregnant again. .

One 18-year old students preference for condoms was informed by her distrust of contraceptive pills:

I prefer condom, as the use of drugs are not good. It may not work and it can negatively affect the womans body .

Lastly, while the link between EC and future miscarriage is not documented as an EC complication, respondents assumed this link:

Too much of postinor-2 will weaken the wall of the womb and damage the uterus. This will cause miscarriages in the future. .

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What Are Natural Methods Of Contraception

Natural methods of contraception are considered “natural” because they are not mechanical and are not a result of hormone manipulation. Instead, these methods to prevent pregnancy require that a man and woman not have sexual intercourse during the time when an egg is available to be fertilized by a sperm.

The fertility awareness methods are based upon knowing when a woman ovulates each month. In order to use a FAM, it is necessary to watch for the signs and symptoms that indicate ovulation has occurred or is about to occur.

On average, the egg is released about 14 days before a woman’s next menstrual period. But because the egg survives 3 to 4 days and the sperm can live 48 to 72 hours , the actual time during which a woman may become pregnant is measured not in hours, not in days, but in weeks.

FAMS can be up to 98% effective, but they require a continuous and conscious commitment with considerable monitoring and self-control. Although these methods were developed to prevent pregnancy, they can equally be well used by a couple to increase fertility and promote conception.

Reversible Methods Of Birth Control

How to avoid pregnancy before 1 month? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Long-acting Reversible Contraceptives

These contraceptive methods allow individuals to prevent pregnancy for multiple years.

  • Copper Intrauterine Device : The copper IUD contains no hormones and is made with copper and plastic. The copper acts as a spermicide and prevents sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg.
  • Hormonal IUD: Hormonal IUDs contain the hormone progestin levonorgestrel. The progestin causes cervical mucus to thicken and the lining of the uterus to thin, which keeps the sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg.

Contraceptive Shots

The contraceptive shot is an injection of progestin, one of the hormones found in birth control pills. Individuals using this method get the shot from their doctor once every three months.

Short-acting Hormonal Methods

These contraceptive methods use hormones to keep the ovaries from releasing eggs and possibly prevent the sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg.

  • Birth Control Pill: This method is also known as oral contraceptive or the pill. There are two main kinds: combined pills, which contain estrogen and progestin, and mini-pills, which only contain progestin.
  • Birth Control Patch: The birth control patch is a thin, beige plastic square about two inches across that delivers hormones. Patches are used on a four-week cycle .
  • Vaginal Ring: This small, flexible, plastic ring is inserted in the vagina and contains the same hormones found in most birth control pills.

Barrier Methods

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How Does Birth Control Work

Birth control works to prevent pregnancy in different ways, depending upon the type of birth control you choose:

  • Female or male sterilization surgery prevents the sperm from reaching the egg by cutting or damaging the tubes that carry sperm or eggs .
  • Long-acting reversible contraceptives or “LARC” methods prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs, prevent sperm from getting to the egg, or make implantation of the egg in the uterus unlikely.
  • Short-acting hormonal methods, such as the pill, mini-pill, patch, shot, and vaginal ring, prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs or prevent sperm from getting to the egg.
  • Barrier methods, such as condoms, diaphragms, sponge, cervical cap, prevent sperm from getting to the egg.
  • Natural rhythm methods involve avoiding sex or using other forms of birth control on the days when you are most fertile .

Typical Vs Perfect Use Of Condoms And Birth Control

Typical use means you use condoms or the contraceptive pill correctly most of the time, with the occasional error, such as the condom breaking or forgetting to take birth control pills. Perfect use means you follow birth control or condom instructions correctly each time you use them.

With typical or average use, heres how effective birth control pills vs. condoms are in preventing pregnancy:

  • Birth control pills are 91% effective

  • Male condoms are 87% effective

With perfect use of birth control pills and condoms:

  • Birth control pills are 99.7% effective

  • Male condoms are 98% effective

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What Are The Side Effects

While highly effective in preventing pregnancy, these treatments are not a substitute for regular forms of contraception nor are they without side effects.

The progestin only method is less likely to cause nausea and vomiting .

With the combined estrogen/progesterone pills, 43 percent of women may experience nausea from the high estrogen levels and 16 percent may experience some vomiting. A small number may experience breast tenderness or headache.

All these methods may cause a change in your bleeding pattern. Ella will cause a delay in your period. Others may cause spotting.

Of Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy

The Fascinating History of Birth Control

Research participants expressed strong support for abstinence and the use of condoms, referring to these as not only the safest forms of contraception but as the most efficacious ways to prevent the consequences of unplanned pregnancies. Most of the respondents in their early years of study particularly favoured abstinence, and these respondents were also the least knowledgeable about contraceptive issues. Among the sexually active participants , especially those in the later years of study, male condom was the preferred contraceptive.

Overall, respondents narratives revealed three main contraceptive use patterns, namely, condom only, condom or pills, and condom, pills or douching. One respondent remarked thus about her use of the first pattern:

I use protection, condoms of course I always insist that my partner use a condom, because I do not think that a female condom is hygienic enough. .

The second pattern, the use of either condom or emergency pills, was evident in the following response:

I protect myself by using condoms or pills. I use Postinor.

The third pattern, condom, pills or douching, was summed up by a 24-year old respondent:

I use condom, but after sex I use drugs-Postinor – or salt and water or wash off immediately. .

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How Long Do Sti Symptoms Take To Show

How long it takes for symptoms to show depends on the STI. Symptoms can appear quickly, but often STIs are symptomless until much later.

  • Chlamydia can appear in one-three weeks but can start much later
  • Genital herpes can appear in four-seven days, but can be months or years
  • Genital warts can appear within three weeks, but can be months or years
  • Gonorrhoea can appear within two weeks but can start much later
  • HIV first symptoms can take two to six weeks, then you may not get any further symptoms for years
  • Pubic lice can appear in a few weeks
  • Scabies can take six weeks if youve not had them before, four days if you have
  • Syphilis usually appear within two to three weeks, but can be much earlier or later
  • Trichomoniasis can appear within four weeks, but can be much later

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When Should I Use The Ecp

The ECP is best used within three days after unprotected sex. Some doctors will prescribe it up to five days, but there is less evidence about how well it works then. The sooner you take the ECP, the better it will work. Unprotected sex includes:

  • When no birth control was used.

  • When birth control may have failed. For example:

  • If a condom broke or slipped.

  • If a diaphragm or cervical cap came off, tore or was taken out too early.

  • If you missed taking two or more of your birth control pills or started a new pack three or more days late.

  • If you were late for your birth control shot.

  • When you have been abused, sexually assaulted or raped and are not already using a reliable method of birth control.

  • Although sometimes called the morning-after pill, emergency contraception has been proven to be effective up to three days after intercourse. It does not have to be taken in the morning.

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    Perceived Susceptibility To Unplanned Pregnancy

    Participants not in a sexual relationship mentioned that they were not susceptible to unplanned pregnancy because they were practicing abstinence while those in sexual relationships believed that the use of contraceptives has significantly reduced their risk of getting pregnant. To many, preventing unplanned pregnancy is as simple as expressed by this participant

    You either stay away from sex or protect yourself .

    Nonetheless, some participants acknowledged that unplanned pregnancy is still a risk they face because the use of contraception does not guarantee a 100 % prevention of unplanned pregnancy. Respondents generally believed that broken condoms, missed pills or outright neglect of condom use could make them susceptible to unplanned pregnancies. Their narratives suggest that sometimes a condom could break without the knowledge of the female however if their partner informs them they could take some drugs to prevent unplanned pregnancy. One participant indicated that she practices after sex contraception because she believes her partner may deliberately not inform her.

    Sometimes, you may not know that the condom burst especially if the man does not tell you .

    Does Pulling Out Protect Against Stds

    How to Take the Contraceptive Pill (Women & Partners) – Family Planning Series

    No. While withdrawal can prevent pregnancy, it doesnt protect you against STDs. Some STDs, like genital warts and herpes, are spread through skin-to-skin contact. And STDs like chlamydia, syphilis, or gonorrhea can be carried in precum. So if youre going to have sex, the best way to prevent STDs is by using condoms.

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    Best Positions To Avoid Pregnancy

    • The cowgirl position:Here the woman is on the top and in control of penetration. It also reduces the chances of sperm travelling to the cervix. Many couples feel that this is the best position to avoid pregnancy, but it is advisable to be cautious. cowgirl position. How not to get pregnant without using protection
    • The 69 position:This is one of the most talked-about positions when it comes to sex. Couples can lie down with each other in an inverted order with the head of the one towards the feet of the other. This position works best when the couple is of similar height and you can perform oral sex on each other. As a couple, the two of you can also try mutual masturbation while in this position to enhance pleasure.
    • Standing position:You can curl up on the waist of your man while he penetrates. The two of you are close but it would make it tough for the penis to penetrate right till the cervix.

    Can An Iud Be Used For Emergency Contraception

    A copper intrauterine device , such as Paragard®, can be an emergency contraception option. It works if your provider inserts it within five days of unprotected sex. The copper IUD is 99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy when inserted after sex. It gives you at least 10 years of effective ongoing contraception.

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    What Are The Health Risks For Smokers Who Use Birth Control

    If you smoke and are 35 or older, you should not use hormonal birth control. Smoking tobacco and using hormonal birth control raises your risk for blood clots and high blood pressure. Smoking and high blood pressure are risk factors for a heart attack or stroke. The risk for a heart attack or stroke also goes up as you age.

    Using Medical Options To Prevent Pregnancy Without A Condom

    The pill and pregnancy: All about contraception for mums
  • 1Take hormonal birth control pills.XResearch source If you are a woman seeking to prevent pregnancy without using a condom, one of the most common options is to take hormonal birth control pills. These are available from your family doctor the pills are composed of either a blend of estrogen and progesterone, or just progesterone. You normally take one per day for 21 days followed by seven days of sugar pills .
  • There are a variety of different birth control formulations, and you can speak to your family doctor about the different options to determine which one is best for you.
  • The advantage of taking birth control pills is that they are 91% effective in preventing pregnancy .
  • If you are a man having sex with a woman and not wanting to get her pregnant, you can ask her if she is regularly taking birth control pills. The downside of this method of contraception for men, however, is that you are relying on taking the womans word for it, and also trusting that she has been taking them daily and not accidentally missing doses.
  • 2Have an IUD inserted.XResearch source An IUD is a small, T-shaped device that is inserted through your vagina into your uterus . They are over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.
  • IUDs available include: the Mirena, Skyla, and Lilletta IUDs, and the Copper IUD.
  • The Copper IUD is not hormone-based. The pros are that it is cheaper and lasts up to 10 years however, the downside is that your menstrual cramps and monthly bleeding may be increased.
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