What Happens If You Are Pregnant And Get An Iud

‘not Again’: Woman Claims She Got Pregnant Twice With Iud

I Got Pregnant With An IUD

Viewers were horrified after a woman claimed to have gotten pregnant for the second time while being on birth control.

In the video, Scharon showed herself self-administering an ultrasound at work.

“When I’m doing my monthly IUD location check up at work because I’ve been pregnant with one before…and I see a pregnancy sac next to my IUD…” the on-screen text read.

An intrauterine device is a t-shaped piece of plastic that is placed inside the uterus as a form of birth control. The IUD is placed by a medical professional in-office.

Individuals with IUDs are recommended to ensure it is still in place once every month or if discomfort arises. A professional can also locate the IUD using ultrasound to ensure the IUD did not slip out of the uterus.

In the viral clip, Scharon used the ultrasound machine on her stomach and looked at the screen to locate her IUD. To her surprise, Scharon said she found a gestational sac outside of her uterus.

When she noticed, her facial expression changed and she pulled her mask down to mouth “what the f**k” at the results.

“Not again…..” the caption of the video read.

Experts estimate that less than one percent of individuals with IUDs get pregnant a year. However, many of these pregnancies turn out to be ectopic, meaning that rather than growing in the uterus like normal, the embryo tries to grow outsidetypically in the fallopian tubes.

Getting Pregnant After Removing An Iud

Research shows that fertility returns quickly after the removal of an IUD, assuming there are no underlying fertility concerns.

If you have decided you want to try to conceive, give your OB-GYN a call to have your IUD removed and plan a preconception visit. Some doctors recommend waiting three months after removing an IUD to start trying to conceive to give your body time to bounce back to its usual menstrual cycle. Waiting can also help you get a sense of your cycle and fertile window and give you time to plan and get some healthy habits in place.

But according to Dr. Perez, there’s no medical need to wait: “You can ovulate and get pregnant the next month!” So, if you’re ready to become a parent and don’t want to wait, you can start trying the very first cycle after your IUD has been removed.

Prior To An Iud Insertion

Before Capital Womens Care performs the insertion, there will be several simple tests and some recommendations to make the insertion safe and effective.

They include the following:

  • There will be a pregnancy test to rule out whether you are pregnant right now. If you are, inserting an IUD can cause a miscarriage.
  • You may get an STD test.
  • Capital Womens Care will check the size and position of your uterus.
  • Your cervix will be cleaned with an antiseptic.
  • Take some OTC medications like ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil one hour before your appointment to help minimize any cramping.
  • Bring a sanitary pad with you in case bleeding occurs.

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How Well It Works

The IUD is a highly effective method of birth control.

  • When using the hormonal or copper IUD, fewer than 1 woman out of 100 becomes pregnant in the first year.footnote 3
  • Most pregnancies that occur with IUD use happen because the IUD is pushed out of the uterus unnoticed. IUDs are most likely to come out in the first few months of IUD use or after being inserted just after childbirth.

Advantages of IUDs include cost-effectiveness over time, ease of use, lower risk of ectopic pregnancy, and no interruption of foreplay or intercourse.footnote 4

Does Effectiveness Vary Among The Different Iuds

How Effective Are Iuds At Preventing Pregnancy

Effectiveness does vary slightly among all the currently available IUDs however, they all have an effectiveness rating of above 99% .

Good quality trials have reported the following:

  • Paragard IUD: chances of pregnancy 0.8%
  • Mirena IUD: chances of pregnancy 0.2%
  • Skyla IUD: chances of pregnancy 0.4%
  • Copper T 380A: chances of pregnancy 0.6%
  • LNG-IUC: chances of pregnancy 0.2%.

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Improper Iud Placement Due To Migration

The proper placement is key to the IUDs effectiveness. Once you choose to use this form of birth control, your healthcare professional will place the device at the fundus of the uterus. This is the top of the organ in between where the fallopian tubes attach.

Unfortunately, even when an experienced doctor places the IUD accurately in place, the device can move into the cervix or other parts of the body. Women younger than 25 and those with severe period cramps or heavy bleeding are more at risk for this movement. Certain medications and herbal supplements have also been shown to interact with hormonal therapies.

Leading Up To The Iud Removal

IUDs expire after three to 12 years, depending on the brand. While you dont have to get it removed on the exact day it was inserted, you should not wait too long after. Do not delay removal for more than a few weeks without having a direct conversation with your doctor. Depending on the IUD, delaying removal beyond the recommended time frame can cause irregular bleeding, challenges in removal, and an increased chance of pregnancy.

You can schedule your IUD removal at any point in your menstrual cycle. The only preparation you need to do before having your IUD removed is scheduling the appointment. However, if you are prone to cramping or pain with your period, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever one or two hours beforehand.

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The Device Is Not Fully Effective Yet

The type of IUD that you have can impact when you can have sex without the worry of pregnancy. ParaGard is the only copper IUD available in the nation. It is also the only IUD that begins working the moment it is inserted. In fact, it is so effective at preventing pregnancy, that it can actually be used as a form of emergency contraception when placed in the uterus within five days of unprotected sex.

Conversely, hormonal IUDs require that the IUD insertion occurs within a week of the start of your period in order to be effective immediately. The Mayo Clinic notes that if any of these devices are inserted more than seven days after the start of your period, be sure to use backup contraception for one week. When this advice is not taken, pregnancy can occur.

Luckily The Available Research Shows That Its Extremely Rare To Get Pregnant With An Iud

Can You Get Pregnant After Mirena IUD | 6 Years LATER

IUDs are a very, very reliable method of birth control, Maureen Whelihan, M.D., an ob/gyn at the Center for Sexual Health & Education, tells SELF. Jason James, M.D., medical director at Miami’s FemCare Ob-Gyn, agrees, but he also notes that even the best birth control can fail. Theres nothing thats 100 percent, he tells SELF.

Heres the generally accepted statistic: Fewer than one person out of every 100 with an IUD will get pregnant within the first year of use.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites a 2011 Contraception review in its materials about effectiveness of different birth control methods. The review examined the largest and most methodologically sound data on the subject, concluding that the failure rate for Paragard and Mirena are 0.8 and 0.2 percent respectively.

A 2017 study in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health studied 15,728 contraceptive use intervals from 6,683 women over four years, also concluding that IUDs were only likely to fail 1 percent of the time in a period of 12 months.

As you can see, the overall point is that getting pregnant with an IUD is extremely rare.

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Is There A Risk Of Ectopic Pregnancy With An Iud

Using an IUD puts you at a higher risk of ectopic pregnancies than pregnancy in the general population. Research has shown that the incidence of ectopic pregnancy with Paragard was 0.06% and the incidence of ectopic pregnancy with Mirena and Skyla was 0.1% .

Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies that occur outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. An ectopic pregnancy can’t proceed normally because the fertilized egg cannot survive if it is not in the uterus. In addition, if the embryo is left to develop, the growing tissue may cause life-threatening bleeding. If you develop an ectopic pregnancy while Paragard, Mirena, or Skyla is inserted, you may require surgery.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Iud

Although an IUD is an effective method of contraception, there are some things to consider before having one fitted.


  • It protects against pregnancy for 5 or 10 years, depending on the type.
  • Once an IUD is fitted, it works straight away.
  • Most people with a womb can use it.
  • There are no hormonal side effects, such as acne, headaches or breast tenderness.
  • It does not interrupt sex.
  • It’s safe to use an IUD if you’re breastfeeding.
  • It’s possible to get pregnant as soon as the IUD is removed.
  • It’s not affected by other medicines.
  • There’s no evidence that an IUD will affect your weight or increase the risk of cervical cancer, womb cancer or ovarian cancer.


  • Your periods may become heavier, longer or more painful, though this may improve after a few months.
  • It does not protect against STIs, so you may need to use condoms as well.
  • If you get an infection when you have an IUD fitted, it could lead to a pelvic infection if not treated.
  • Most people who stop using an IUD do so because of vaginal bleeding and pain, although these side effects are uncommon.

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You Have A Positive Pregnancy Test

When youre happy with your IUD, it might be hard to even imagine that you could be pregnant. So if youre experiencing symptoms, why not take a test to assuage your fears? If youre having spotting, bleeding, breast tenderness, or fatigue, you could very well be pregnant, even with an IUD, says Dr. Langdon. If it is positive, call your OB/GYN right away to figure out the next steps to ensure your health and safety. Its usually removed but sometimes its left inside. The complication rate is higher if it is left in the uterus compared to early removal but removal can also cause a miscarriage. A positive test is definitely one of the biggest signs of pregnancy with an IUD.

Although it can be scary to think of possibly becoming pregnant with an IUD, it shouldnt stop you from opting for that form of birth control if thats what you choose. Dr. Farid agrees, stating: “The chance of a pregnancy is extremely low with an IUD it is still an excellent form of birth control.

Study cited:

Are There Any Side Effects From Using The Hormonal Iud

What Happens After You Get Your IUD Out?

Possible side effects include:

  • When it is first inserted some users have period-type cramping that usually settles after a few days.
  • Sometimes the IUD can come out. This is more common in the first 3 months of it being inserted.
  • Your period will change. Spotting or frequent bleeding is common in the first 3 to 6 months. By 6 months around 95% of users will have a light regular period or no bleeding at all .
  • You may experience tender breasts, headaches, skin changes and mood changes. These side effects nearly always settle with time. The hormonal IUD has not been shown to cause weight gain.

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Unwanted Pregnancy With An Iud: Now What

Even though an IUD is extremely reliable as a form of contraceptive, boasting an effective rate of 99.9%, an unwanted pregnancy can occur just like any other means of birth control. Overtime, your IUD can displace in the uterus and not work to its full potential. If this happens, sperm can enter the uterus through the cervix and an unwanted pregnancy can happen.

An unwanted pregnancy can also happen when an IUD is first installed or has past it’s expiration date. Follow ups with your gynaecologist can help you determine if your IUD is still properly in place and is still working. Most women who have an IUD installed tend to have lighter periods and maybe even no flow, so detecting a pregnancy can be difficult. Women can show early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, cramping and light bleeding or spotting in between periods, but these symptoms are also not uncommon if you recently had your IUD installed.

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Does An Iud Hurt

Most women feel cramping or mild discomfort during the insertion process. If you feel pain, it usually only lasts a moment. After the IUD is inserted, you may feel dizzy or faint. Taking ibuprofen before and after your insertion appointment can help with discomfort. You can also schedule your appointment to take place during the last days of your period, when your cervix is naturally open.

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What Is An Intra Uterine Device

An IUD is a small object that goes inside your uterus.

There are two types of IUDs:

  • Copper IUD – contains copper, a type of metal
  • Hormonal IUD contains the hormone progestogen

The IUD is put in your uterus by an experienced nurse or doctor. This is simple and safe. The procedure itself takes about five to 10 minutes, but your appointment will take about 40 minutes. During this time the nurse or doctor will explain how the insertion is done and will give you instructions about what to expect once your IUD is in place.

You cant feel it or tell it is there except by checking for the threads. If you are having penis in vagina sex, your partner should not be able to feel it. You can still use tampons.

The removal threads come out of your cervix and curl up inside the top of your vagina they dont hang outside.

Will My Periods Change

Can I miscarry if I get pregnant right after having the Mirena IUD removed?

With hormonal IUDs, many women have fewer cramps. For the first few months, some women have irregular spotting. Eventually, most women have light periods or no period at all. Pregnancies rarely happen with IUDs, but if not having a period will make you constantly worry that youâre pregnant, you may want to consider the copper IUD instead.

The copper ParaGard may make periods heavier and cramping worse. This may go away after a few months. Read more on how to use birth control to stop your period.

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What Are The Risks Of An Iud

There are possible risks with an IUD, but serious problems are really rare.

The IUD can sometimes slip out of your uterus it can come all the way out or just a little bit. If this happens, you can get pregnant. If the IUD only comes out part of the way, a nurse or doctor has to remove it.

Dont use a menstrual cup with an IUD. Using a menstrual cup can cause your IUD to move out of place. If you do decide to use a menstrual cup, you need to check your IUD strings monthly, and contact your nurse or doctor if your IUD strings are missing.

Its possible though extremely unlikely to get pregnant even if your IUD is in the right spot. If you get pregnant, a nurse or doctor will need to remove your IUD as soon as possible. If you get pregnant with an IUD in place, theres an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and other serious health problems.

Its possible to get an infection if bacteria gets into your uterus when the IUD is put in. If the infection isn’t treated, it may make it harder for you to get pregnant in the future.

When the IUD is put in, it could push through the wall of your uterus. This sounds painful, but it usually doesn’t hurt. But if this happens, you may need surgery to remove the IUD. However, this is very rare.

Types Of Pregnancy With An Iud

If your IUD fails, the doctor will find out which type of pregnancy you have:

  • Intrauterine pregnancy: This is a normal pregnancy in your uterus where your baby will grow for 9 months.
  • Ectopic pregnancy: The embryo tries to grow outside your uterus. It usually happens in your fallopian tubes, which carry eggs to your ovaries and then to your uterus. You can also get an ectopic pregnancy in your ovaries, abdomen, or cervix. A pregnancy in one of these areas canât grow normally. Doctors will end an ectopic pregnancy to protect you from possible bleeding that could put your life at risk.

Since IUDs prevent pregnancies in your uterus, youâre more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy than a regular pregnancy. But this doesnât mean youâre at a higher risk for ectopic pregnancies in general just because you have an IUD.

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When Should I Have My Iud Removed

Get your IUD removed if:

  • It has expired. Your doctor should be able to tell you how long the type that you have is supposed to last.
  • You want to get pregnant.
  • You’ve had side effects like heavy bleeding, severe headaches, or pain.
  • You have a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Your IUD has moved out of your uterus or has broken.
  • You got pregnant while the IUD was in place.

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