Is It My Period Or Am I Pregnant
When you have your period, the flow is noticeably heavier and can last up to a week. Pregnancy: For some, one of the first signs of pregnancy is light vaginal bleeding or spotting that’s usually pink or dark brown. This typically happens 10 to 14 days after conception and is usually not enough to fill pads or tampons.
Exercises To Do In The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy
Youll definitely notice a slowdown if not an abrupt halt at times during the third trimester, as your body begins to prepare for labor and childbirth. This is a great time to focus on cardiovascular activities and keep up your mobility and abdominal strength with:
- bodyweight moves
These help to keep your upper and lower body muscles strong.
For safety purposes, Jeffcoat says to avoid any exercise that places you at a risk for falls. Because your center of gravity is changing daily, its smart to avoid exercises that would lead to a loss of balance, resulting in a fall and possible abdominal impact that could harm your baby, she says.
Its also not uncommon to experience pubic symphysis pain, which is pain in the front pubic bone. Because of this, Jeffcoat recommends avoiding exercises where your legs are too far apart, which will further aggravate this pain.
Cramping And Spotting During Early Pregnancy
From weeks 1 to4, everything is still happening on a cellular level. The fertilized egg creates a blastocyst that will develop into the fetuss organs and body parts.
About 10 to 14 days after conception, the blastocyst will implant in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. This can cause implantation bleeding, which may be mistaken for a light period. It does not occur for everyone. If it does occur, it will usually happen around the time you expect your period.
Here are some signs of implantation bleeding:
- Color. The color of each episode may be pink, red, or brown.
- Bleeding. Implantation bleeding is usually much less than your usual period. Its often described as light bleeding that never turns into a flow or enough to need a tampon.
- Pain. Pain is usually milder than your usual menstrual pain. It may involve some cramping. It can be moderate or severe, but its most often mild.
- Episodes. Implantation bleeding is likely to last less than 3 days and does not require treatment. It can sometimes last only a few hours.
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Possible Complications Of Morning Sickness
Nausea and vomiting can easily cause a loss of appetite. Many pregnant women worry that this will harm their babies. Mild morning sickness is generally not harmful.
Women who experience morning sickness well beyond the first 3 to 4 months of their pregnancies should speak with their doctor. Also seek help if you arent gaining any weight during pregnancy.
Morning sickness is usually not severe enough to hinder fetal growth and development. For some pregnant women, nausea causes them to experience severe vomiting and weight loss.
This condition is called hyperemesis gravidarum. It causes electrolyte imbalances and unintentional weight loss. If left untreated, this condition may eventually harm your baby.
- inability to keep food down
- weight loss of 2 pounds or more
- spotting, or bleeding
Severe bouts of morning sickness generally require hospitalization. Hyperemesis gravidarum often requires intravenous fluids for rehydration.
When Can You Do A Pregnancy Test
A very sensitive pregnancy test can be used to get an accurate result even before you miss your period.
This means you can get a positive result as early as eight days after conception.
You should try to do a pregnancy test about 21 days after you last had unprotected sex, or from the first day of a missed period.
You can do a pregnancy test on your urine at any time of the day, it doesnt have to be in the morning.
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Why Is My Belly So Big At 7 Weeks Pregnant
The muscles in your stomach are continuing to relax, and at the same time, your uterus is growing. It is estimated that by week seven it will be around the size of a lemon and will continue to grow in order to accommodate your developing kid. Additionally, the amount of blood that circulates throughout your body is significantly increased.
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What Is Depression In Pregnancy
Depression during pregnancy, or antepartum depression, is a mood disorder just like clinical depression. Mood disorders are biological illnesses that involve changes in brain chemistry.During pregnancy, hormone changes can affect the chemicals in your brain, which are directly related to depression and anxiety. These can be exacerbated by difficult life situations, which can result in depression during pregnancy.
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Other Early Symptoms Of Pregnancy
Pregnancy brings changes in your hormonal balance. And that can cause other symptoms that include:
- Frequent urination. For many women, this starts around the sixth or eighth week after conception. Although this could be caused by a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or using diuretics, if you’re pregnant, it’s most likely due to hormonal levels.
- Constipation. During pregnancy, higher levels of the hormone progesterone can make you constipated. Progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through your intestines. To ease the problem, drink plenty of water, exercise, and eat plenty of high-fiber foods.
- Mood swings. These are common, especially during the first trimester. These are also related to changes in hormones.
- Headaches and back pain. Many pregnant women report frequent mild headaches, and others experience back pain.
- Dizziness and fainting. These may be related to dilating blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar.
A pregnant woman could have all of these symptoms, or maybe have only one or two. If any of these symptoms become bothersome, talk with your doctor about them so you can make a plan to offset them.
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Is Your Stomach Hard Or Soft In Early Pregnancy
How does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancy? For most of your first trimester, you may not feel much, if any, difference in your belly. It will probably be soft and look a little bigger similar to when you get bloated during your period or after youve eaten a large meal.
What is morning sickness but not pregnant?
Pregnancy is perhaps the best-known cause of morning sickness, but there are many other causes. These include low blood sugar and dehydration. Many people experience nausea in the morning. Sometimes, it is only a temporary problem, but morning nausea can also be a chronic condition.
When should I take a preg test?
When you can do a pregnancy test. You can carry out most pregnancy tests from the first day of a missed period. If you dont know when your next period is due, do the test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex. Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can be used even before you miss a period.
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Nausea And Vomiting Symptoms
Whoever coined the term morning sickness obviously never had it, because nausea and vomiting can actually happen any time of the day.
This sensation generally starts from two to eight weeks after conception, the NIH says, and it may continue throughout pregnancy, although most women improve after the first trimester.
Adjusting mealtimes and eliminating foods that especially make you nauseous are some ways to deal with morning sickness, advises the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists .
More severe cases, when women feel sick for several hours a day and vomit frequently, are known as the medical condition hyperemesis gravidarum. Fortunately, this affects only 3 percent of pregnancies, ACOG says. Women with this condition sometimes need to be hospitalized to restore crucial body fluids that are being lost.
Early Signs Of Pregnancy
If you have a regular monthly menstrual cycle, the earliest and most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period.
In the first few weeks of pregnancy you may have a bleed similar to a very light period, with some spotting or only losing a little blood. This is called implantation bleeding.
Every pregnancy is different and not everyone will notice all of these symptoms.
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Are You Wondering If Youre Pregnant Learn What The Early Signs Of Pregnancy In The First Month For You
Only a pregnancy test can tell you if youre definitely pregnant.
But there are lots of common and some weird symptoms that moms-to-be experience in early pregnancy. And thats all due to those huge hormone changes.
The first clue I had that I was pregnant were some period-like pains, that I initially mistook for my period!!
But please remember that everyone is different. Some mamas seemed to just know that theyre pregnant.
While some mamas had absolutely no idea theyre pregnant for several weeks 29% of women say that a missed period was their first sign.
So heres my list of 24 early symptoms of pregnancy to look out for.
Pssst If youre TTC with IVF, heres the inside scoop on my IVF journey.
What Are Early Signs Of Pregnancy
Your symptoms likely wont begin until your fourth week. This is when you may experience mild blood spotting and cramping and when you can expect to miss your period. But, if you are asking yourself, How do I know if Im pregnant, see if you can relate to any of these early indications:
1. Missed Period
According to an American Pregnancy Association survey, approximately 29 percent of women claimed their first sign of pregnancy was a missed period. Missing your period is a common symptom of pregnancy and it often leads women to do a pregnancy test. You may notice some bleeding even if youre pregnant, but it will usually be lighter and shorter than your normal menstrual period.
2. Urinating Frequently
A couple weeks after you conceive, you may have to urinate more. This is because of your pregnancy hormone hCG. This hormone causes an increase in blood flow to your kidneys, which helps them eliminate waste from your body more efficiently. As your uterus is growing more quickly the pressure on your bladder is greater. The amount of urine storage space you have decreases which causes you to urinate more often.
3. Swollen, Tender Breasts
4. Nausea and Sometimes Vomiting
Nausea was the first pregnancy indication 25 percent of women experienced. Although morning sickness doesnt usually hit women until around a month of becoming pregnant, nausea is often felt earlier. Its thought that your pregnancy hormones are what cause nausea, but it isnt quite clear.
5. Spotting
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What Precautions Should You Take During Early Pregnancy
Even if you havenât spotted any signs of pregnancy very early on, youâll want to do everything you can to stay healthy and safe. In fact, itâs always wise to take some precautions as soon as you start trying to conceive or learn that youâre pregnant.Even simple adjustments can help support you as you start your pregnancy! Though youâll want to consult your healthcare provider to determine whatâs best for you, some worthwhile lifestyle changes and precautions include
taking folic acid.
When you start trying for a baby or learn that youâre pregnant, folic acid is essential, as itâs a B vitamin that helps reduce the risk of certain birth defects that affect the babyâs brain and spine. Your healthcare provider can recommend a prenatal vitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid. Pre-pregnancy is also a great time to eliminate some less healthy habits, including
exposure to secondhand smoke
drinking alcohol.
In addition, your provider may recommend limiting your daily consumption of caffeine. Talk with your healthcare provider about the best ways to stay healthy and safe when youâre pregnant. For more general advice, download our pregnancy guide!
What Are The Signs And Symptoms When You’re 3 Weeks Pregnant
When youâre 1 week âpregnant,â you havenât conceived yet, and so thereâs not much going on. That can change by the time youâre three weeks pregnant. Your belly can be a hive of activity, though you may not be able to tell.
If the sperm and egg find each other, theyâll join up in a fallopian tube to create a single cell called a zygote in a process called fertilization.
The zygote carries chromosomes from the mother and father and sets the first building blocks of your future babyâs genetic makeup.
The zygote then moves down the fallopian tube and toward the uterus as it starts dividing into a larger group of cells.
Although thereâs more activity in your third week of pregnancy, will you feel anything? Probably not. However, read on to learn a bit more about those typical early symptoms of pregnancy and when you might notice them.
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As Hormones Shift Pregnancy Symptoms Start
An embryo is the tiniest thingnot even half an inch long in the first two months of pregnancy. But the changes it wreaks on a womans body right from the start are enormous. This is primarily due to the shifts in key hormones that start at the beginning of a pregnancy, says Sherry Ross, MD, a gynecologist and author of the books She-ology and She-ology,the she-quel.
These hormones include estrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotrophin , which multiplies rapidly at the start of a pregnancy.
How Soon Can You Get Symptoms Of Pregnancy
It really depends on the woman or pregnancy. The biggest tell tale sign that youre pregnant is a missed period.
If you want to go a bit deeper though, we need to start at the beginning of conception. If you have indeed conceived, you can expect implantation to happen to happen 6-12 days after ovulation or 8-9 days after conception.
Some women can feel implantation while others wont notice. I noticed with 2 out of 3 babies- there was an intense stabbing sensation with mild cramps.
With my 3rd baby, I had a CRAZY feeling that I was pregnant immediately. Dont ask why, dont ask how. Within a few days of conception I was experiencing a heightened sense of smell, horrible gas and a strong craving for chocolate.
My husband thought I was nuts when I told him but I got a faint positive at 8 days past ovulation. It was wild!
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Will You Notice Early Signs And Symptoms When You’re 1 Week Pregnant Or 2 Weeks Pregnant
Your journey through pregnancy has officially begun, but as mentioned above, youâre not actually pregnant yet. Remember that healthcare providers calculate your pregnancy as 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the start of your last period. So, if you have a typical 28-day menstrual cycle, the first two weeks are mainly just Aunt Flo doing her thing.
But after two weeks, other things start to happen.
One of your ovaries will release an egg around 14 days after the first day of your last period.
The egg will travel down one of the fallopian tubes where it may unite with sperm.
Itâs worth noting that sperm can live inside your body for up to five days, and your egg has a lifespan of up to one day. This means your window of fertility is about five days before you ovulate to one day after.What this all means is that you wonât feel any of those very early signs of pregnancy in weeks 1, 2, or possibly even 3. If you have yet to conceive, then it makes sense that you wouldnât notice anything!
Signs Symptoms And Treatment
Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the happiest times of a womans life, but for many women, this is a time of confusion, fear, stress, and even depression. According to The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists , between 14-23% of women will struggle with some symptoms of depression during pregnancy.Depression is a mood disorder that affects 1 in 4 women at some point during their lifetime, so it should be no surprise that this illness can also touch women who are pregnant. But all too often, depression is not diagnosed properly during pregnancy because people think it is just another type of hormonal imbalance.This assumption can be dangerous for the mother and the unborn baby. Depression in pregnancy is an illness that can be treated and managed however, it is important to seek out help and support first.
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Common Questions About Signs Of Early Pregnancy
The signs of early pregnancy can be confusing, so its not unusual to have lots of questions especially because so many of the symptoms of early pregnancy are so similar to the symptoms of your menstrual period.
Below, we answer some of the most common questions women have about the early signs of pregnancy.
Im Not Showing So Why Dont My Clothes Fit
Some expectant moms will begin to notice that their clothes are fitting tighter even though they dont have the slightest hint of a baby bump.
If your clothes arent fitting, and you dont have a bump, you are likely experiencing early pregnancy bloating. Your pregnancy hormones can cause this bloating to occur, and it should not be mistaken for a baby bump.
It is possible your clothes will fit one day and not the next, depending on the severity of your bloating.
Your body is changing every day, trying to accommodate your little one. Cherish every moment your belly will pop soon enough!
In nine months, you arent going to be worried about whether you started showing too early or too late. You are just going to care about that special baby youre holding in your arms.
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