When Should I Seek Professional Help
If your mood swings last more than two weeks and do not seem to get better, you may want to ask your health care provider for a referral to a counselor. More than 11 million American women are affected by depression each year. Depression is most prevalent in women during childbearing years but can occur at any age.
Some symptoms of depression include:
- Recurrent anxiety and increased irritability
- Sleep disturbances
- Inability to concentrate on anything for very long
- Short-term memory loss
If your mood swings become more frequent and intense, it is crucial that you speak with your health care provider about options for dealing with severe mood swings, anxiety or depression.
Want to Know More?
Your Hormones In The First Trimester
The first trimester can be a doozy. Your body is going into overdrive to grow that tiny embryo. Your blood volume increases, your immune system changes to protect the fetus, and your bloodstream is coursing with a whole whack of hormones.
When you first become pregnant, progesterone and estrogen, hormones that are a part of your normal menstrual cycle, rise dramatically, and a new hormone, one thats special to pregnancy, called human chorionic gonadotropin, begins to be produced.
Progesterone is important for getting pregnant in the first place because it prepares your uterus lining forthe egg to implant and it acts as a muscle relaxant, preventing your uterus from contracting until the onset of labour. But those same muscle-relaxing properties can also cause constipation, as it slows down your digestive tract, says naturopathic doctor Kinga Babicki-Farrugia.
Progesterone is also associated with that classic irritability in the premenstrual periodand because your progesterone levels stay elevated during your pregnancy, mood swings can be a side effect, explains Ilana Halperin, a staff physician in endocrinology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and assistant professor at the University of Toronto.
Schwartzs mood swings are actually what triggered her to take a pregnancy test in the first place. She would be angry one minute and sad the next.
Can You Hear A Baby Cry In The Womb
While it’s true your baby can cry in the womb, it doesn’t make a sound, and it’s not something to worry about. The baby’s practice cries include imitating the breathing pattern, facial expression, and mouth movements of a baby crying outside of the womb. You shouldn’t worry that your baby is in pain.
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Try Yoga Or Meditation
Yoga and meditation can help reduce anxiety and increase feelings of well-being. There are many free meditation apps online to try. If you decide to take a yoga class, make sure its for pregnant women. Or, if you cant find a prenatal yoga class, take a gentle or restorative yoga class, and talk to the yoga instructor before class begins about possible adjustments in positions.
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Find A Supportive Friend
Feeling fat and ugly when youre looking for pregnancy clothes? Take someone with you who will stand outside the dressing room and tell you how beautiful you are.
You can also take a friend to prenatal appointments. This can be your partner, your friend, or a relative. But having someone with you, especially for ultrasounds or procedures like amniocentesis, can help with nervousness.
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Talk To Your Loved Ones
Make sure your friends and family members understand how you are feeling and what you are going through. Explain to them that you might occasionally snap or react in a surprising way.
Talking about this can set you and your loved ones up for smoother communication should an issue arise.
You could also consider connecting with other expecting moms who can relate to your current status. Join a local community-based group or find your own virtual one via social media.
Feeling more prepared for pregnancy challenges and having support can .
Can Pregnancy Make You Hate Your Partner
Pregnancy can be a stressful time for many women. The body changes, the hormones fluctuate, and the cravings are endless. So its no surprise that many women feel distant from their partners during pregnancy.
But are these feelings of distance that will last after the baby is born? Is it possible to return to feeling close with your partner after having a baby?
The answer is yesâbut it takes time. And it takes effort on both ends of the equation: from you as a new mum and your partner as well as a dad-to-be.
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Why Women Have Pregnancy Mood Swings
Many women look forward to pregnancy and motherhood at some point in their lives. But once you do become pregnant, whether the pregnancy was planned or not, your feelings may be different from what you expected. Women who anticipated feeling fearful may be surprisingly at ease those who thought they were ready may suddenly feel unsure.
In fact, a woman’s feelings change with each passing trimester, and each phase brings its own emotional issues. In the first trimester, you might struggle with the very fact that you’re pregnant. During the second trimester, you might focus on the notion that you’re really going to have a baby. In the third trimester, you’ll probably extend that thinking further and contemplate the responsibilities â and joys â of being a mother. It’s a big emotional adjustment!
Second Trimester: Unbridled Giddiness
After you’re through the difficult first trimester, you cruise into the best part: “You can finally tell other people you’re pregnant!” points out Hartstein. Morning sickness dissipates, you start to show, which means that even strangers treat you like a celebrity, and you begin to feel the baby move. The abstract idea of “baby?” becomes the exciting idea of “baby!” If you find out the gender, the baby may seem even more real. At this point, you are likely to find yourself beaming from ear to ear, laughing out loud in the middle of a dull meeting, and ravishing your husband in the bedroom .
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Normal Emotional Changes In Pregnancy
Aside from emotional ups and downs caused by rising hormone levels in the first three months, the feeling of growing a new life can be exciting and awe-inspiring . It is also common for women to feel anxious, vulnerable and overwhelmed by the big changes that pregnancy and a new baby will bring .
Even if you feel excited by your pregnancy, you will undoubtedly have some unsettling thoughts. Perhaps there will also be some difficult decisions to make. Most women have many questions that they ask of themselves. They might doubt their ability as a mother, how their relationship might change or how they will manage financially . Other normal worries include:
- Should I stop having sex while pregnant?
- What will the birth be like?
- Will my life go back to normal afterwards, for example can I return to work?
If you experienced problems with a pregnancy before, you might also worry about it happening again .
First Second And Third Trimester Mood Swings: Is There A Difference
Mood swings in pregnancy tend to take place during the first and third trimesters, when your estrogen and progesterone levels are soaring, with a brief respite in between as your body settles itself down.
The key is not to beat yourself up about these changes in mood. Youre about to bring a new life into the world and thats a big deal, so give yourself a break, and if you want to treat yourself, treat yourself.
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How To Manage Mood Swings During Pregnancy
Talk it throughantenatal classmidwifeAsk for practical helpFind moments of calmrelaxing visualisation techniquesGet plenty of restsleepmaternity leaveMore pregnancy videosMake time for self-carerelaxedcreate your own mini spaDo some gentle exerciseExerciseswimwalkyogaBond with your partnerworriesStop feeling guilty
The Battle Of The Pregnancy Hormones
The word pregnancy is almost synonymous with hormones. Oestrogen, progesterone, hCG most expectant mothers will have heard these names without understanding their proper meaning for their pregnancy.
For example, hCG is the hormone detected by pregnancy testing kits. Its responsible for placental development and widely considered to be the cause of morning sickness because of its impact on the brain.
Production of hCG peaks around week 13 of pregnancy as your baby reaches around 3 inches in length and you wave goodbye to the first trimester. But what do the rest of these pregnancy hormones actually do?
Here, one mum shares her experience of the hormonally challenging thirteenth week of pregnancy.
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Managing Emotions During Pregnancy
Its hard to think clearly or feel positive when you are feeling unwell and tired. Taking good physical care of yourself, especially getting plenty of rest and sleep, will help to keep troubling emotions in proportion .
Its also important to eat several small healthy meals a day and try to avoid sugary foods, alcohol, tea, coffee and fizzy drinks .
Gentle to moderate exercise can help to improve mood and general fitness, and benefits your growing baby and your labour . Try to build in some activity every day. Avoid contact sports or any strenuous exercise, particularly if you werent active before your pregnancy.
Reduce other sources of stress if you can, and find ways to boost your emotional wellbeing. Try to deal with worries one at a time, rather than feeling swamped by them .
Finding out about benefit entitlements, midwife appointments, what you should eat and what you need for your baby can feel overwhelming. So starting a to do list can help you get these things organised. This NHS one has lots of useful information.
When Will It End
The main mood swings disappear at 11-12 weeks. Jumps will not appear permanently. There are breaks during which the condition of the pregnant woman is stable. The longest time without drops is the second trimester. In the future, similar symptoms may appear at the beginning of the third trimester and they will pass after 2730 weeks.
Mood swings take place during a period of hormonal balance. No jumps in hormone levels no mood swings.
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Pregnancy Emotions And Mood Swings You May Encounter
Here are some emotions and reactions that many pregnant women experience. Please note that they are not all negative:
Joy, happiness, or excitement
Pride that you have accomplished a miracle
Love for your baby
Reactions to the changes in your body image
Feeling scatterbrained
Sadness over the loss of how things used to be
Anxiety about finances, living arrangements, child care, loss of independence, changes in your relationship with your partner, labor and birth, whether you’ll be a good mother, and so on
Impatience â feeling as though you’ve been pregnant forever
Frequent crying
Daydreams about your baby
Mood Swings During Pregnancy
Causes and TreatmentIf you are pregnant or are supporting someone through pregnancy, you probably have some experience with mood swings. You are not alone mood swings during pregnancy are common. You may be excited about being pregnant, but you can also be stressed or overwhelmed. You may have constant worries that contribute to your mood swings.
Questions such as:
- Will I be a good parent?
- How am I going to manage financially?
- Will my baby be healthy?
- Am I doing the right things to prepare for my baby?
Pregnancy is a life-changing event full of physical and emotional changes. Understanding these changes will help you have a positive experience. It may prove helpful to talk through these changes and worries with a professional.
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Fatigue And Sleep Deprivation
First trimester fatigue or late pregnancy sleep deprivation can add fuel to the fickle fire and make it so that anything can send you off the deep end. Its hard to feel even keeled and upbeat when youre exhausted to your core.
In the first 12 weeks, tired is an understatement. No matter how much sleep you get, you will continue to feel depleted. This can be wearing on your body and mind especially if you are taking care of other little people, doing your job, and, you know, trying to manage all those other basic life obligations.
Similarly, the end of pregnancy can keep you awake at night. Its hard to find a comfortable position in bed to accommodate your growing belly, and you are most likely experiencing aches and pains or Braxton-Hicks contractions. Sprinkle on some third-trimester jitters, and its no wonder youre tossing and turning at all hours.
Can A Pregnancy Test Be Positive At 1 Week
You should wait to take a pregnancy test until the week after your missed period for the most accurate result. If you don’t want to wait until you’ve missed your period, you should wait at least one to two weeks after you had sex. If you are pregnant, your body needs time to develop detectable levels of HCG.
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Why Am I So Angry During Pregnancy
The most common cause of extreme emotional responses during pregnancy is hormones. Your hormones tend to fluctuate as your body enters the first trimester and changes to support the growing life inside you.
This can lead to more intense feelings, conflicting emotions, and frequent mood swings.
Another common cause of anger in pregnancy is good ol stress.
There are few events in life as life-changing as welcoming a new child into your family. As exciting as it is, the transitions and stress of the unknown can also cause tensions to run high and impact your ability to control your anger during your pregnancy.
How To Deal With The Different Mood Changes In Pregnancy
No two pregnancies are alike. Every pregnant woman experiences a different set of mood swings at a unique intensity. Here are some common mood swings during pregnancy and strategies to help you deal with them.
The thought of starting or expanding your family with the arrival of a baby is the most joyous feeling for most women. Chemically, the good emotions that you feel during pregnancy are linked with the rise in estrogen hormones. Estrogen is responsible for regulating your mood and is associated with serotonin . In the early stages, you are likely to feel very enthusiastic and excited about this journey.
The easiest way to cope with happiness is to spread it. These hormones can help you bond with your partner in an extraordinary manner.
Along with estrogen, your body will also undergo an increase in the levels of progesterone. This hormone keeps the muscles from contracting and thus, may cause weariness and fatigue. The constant shift between estrogen and progesterone can make you irritable towards small inconveniences.
You should seek your partners support to cope with irritation and fatigue. It is always better to inform others about your heavy feelings. You can make a list of activities or conversations that particularly irk you and avoid them on bad days.
Sexual drive
Body image issues
Mixed emotions
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Pregnancy Glow And Acne During Early Pregnancy
Many people may begin saying you have the pregnancy glow. The combination of increased blood volume and higher hormone levels pushes more blood through your vessels. This causes the bodys oil glands to work overtime.
The increased activity of your bodys oil glands gives your skin a flushed, glossy appearance. On the other hand, you may also develop acne.
in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that taking a home pregnancy test at this point will give a more accurate result.
Home pregnancy tests are inexpensive and widely available without a prescription in pharmacies and other stores.
You can take a test earlier than this if you want, but you run the risk of getting a false negative result. This means the test may say youre not pregnant, but in fact you are.
If you take a home pregnancy test too early, there may not be enough hCG in your urine yet for the test to detect it. Home pregnancy tests work by testing the amount of hCG in your urine. This is a hormone thats only present in the blood and urine of pregnant people.
Also, every persons body chemistry is a bit different. One person may get a positive result as early as a day after their period, while another persons positive results may not show up for another week. So, early test results may not be the most accurate.
Unlike at-home urine tests, blood tests are usually done in a clinical setting. Contact your doctor if you want this type of test.
Why Am I So Moody While Pregnant
- whether youll be a good parent
- whether your diet or lifestyle is affecting your developing baby
- how having a baby will affect your relationship
- whether your baby will be born healthy
- how youre going to manage financially
- how your career may be affected by becoming a parent
- your changing body, and whether your partner still finds you attractive
- how you’ll cope with labour and birth
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When Should I Consult My Doctor
Expect a few stress or hormone-induced outbursts of anger during pregnancies. Stress and anger are not only a part of pregnancy but part of any human existence.
The key is identifying the difference between normal hormonal moods and a more serious situation. The baseline emotional state varies from person to person, so you and your loved ones are key to determining what is normal for you and what might need to be addressed by a professional.
Take Note