How To Calculate Your Due Date
Your doctor will also calculate your due date. To calculate your due date, you need to know the date of the first day or your last menstrual period. Add 7 days to the first day of your last period, subtract 3 months and add one year. Example: Assume the first day of your last period is July 15, 2012 , then subtract 3 months from 7 months, add 7 days to 15, then add one year to 2012. Your due date is April 22, 2013 .
When You Should Call The Physician
Please call your physician if you think somethings wrong. For those who have something that you are worried about, you need to speak to your Primary health care provider-GYN or perhaps be seen, states Rebecca Shiffman, M.D., director of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Lincoln subsequently Hospital in Bronx, New You are able to. That is what we are for-to supply solutions to women that are pregnant and also to provide whatever care they require. Always call your physician immediately for those who have these signs and symptoms:
- Abdominal discomfort without or with bleeding before 12 days
- Bleeding or strong cramping
- Greater than four contractions within an hour for 2 hrs
- Severe abdominal discomfort
- Severe swelling from the hands, legs, or face
- Discomfort during peeing, difficulty urinating, or bloodstream inside your urine
- Chills or fever
Make A Pregnancy Plan
Depending on where you want to give birth and who youll be seeing during your pregnancy, youll want to discuss a plan for who to call or where to go if you require medical attention. Most doctors and midwives will provide you with contact information if you experience cramping, bleeding or any other signs of concern.
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Leg Or Calf Pain Or Swelling On One Side/ Severe Headache
This won’t happen in most pregnancies. But pregnancy does mean a greater chance of developing a blood clot.
A blood clot in the calf may lead to pain or swelling and can result in a blood clot that travels to the lung, which could be fatal.
A blood clot in the brain may be heralded by a severe headache. There are other possible causes of bad headaches during pregnancy.
What to do: If you have a history of blood clots, or if you get a severe headache, consult your doctor.
What Does Spotting During Pregnancy Look Like
Spotting during pregnancy should look significantly different from your menstrual bleeding. While you are likely to use a tampon for your period because of a heavier flow, you should not need a tampon or pad for spotting. Only a few drops of blood should be visible on your underwear or toilet paper.;
Light pink or brownish blood is what most likely youll see when you’re spotting. This is because it will either be freshly mixed with fluid and diluted or brown from older blood. Bright red blood should not be what you are seeing.;
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What Is Pregnancy Care
This is the care you have while you’re pregnant to make sure you and your baby are as well as possible.
The NHS in England will offer you:
- 10 pregnancy appointments to check the health and development of you and your baby
- screening tests to find out the chance of your baby having certain conditions, such as Down’s syndrome
- blood tests to check for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B
- screening for inherited blood disorders
You’ll be offered more appointments if you or your baby need them.
Depending on your health and where you live, you may see:
- a midwife for all your appointments
- a midwife for some appointments and a GP for others
Make Sensible Lifestyle Changes
You should be eating a protein-rich, high fibre diet, drinking plenty of water and getting lots of rest. If youre underweight or overweight, start a healthy eating plan or see a dietician to plan the best diet for you and your pregnancy.
Alcohol is to be avoided, as the unseen effects of even small amounts is impossible to determine, says Dr Zinn. Also, coffee should be limited to two cups a day. You will also need to quit smoking and taking any drugs immediately. If youre a couch potato, you need to get moving.
Speak to your healthcare provider about how much and what kind of exercise you should do. If you are unable to speak to anyone, then walking is perfectly safe for all stages of pregnancy.
If youre already a gym bunny, exercise is good but not in competition with the energy demands of early pregnancy, so reduce the duration and intensity to about 75 percent, says Dr Zinn. You should also avoid competing or extreme sports.
If travel to a malaria area is on the cards, then it is best to cancel your plans. If you live in a malaria area, speak to your doctor about reducing your risk.
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Which Pregnancy Pains Should I Worry About
In some ways, the first trimester of pregnancy is the “riskiest.” Although it is true that the loss of a pregnancy is most likely during the first three months, I’m here to reassure you that most of the aches and pains you experience are natural and normal.
Before I proceed, however, I want to make it clear that miscarriage is a risk of early pregnancy, and so you should contact your doctor if you are concerned about pain that you feel. Any pain which is sharp or which is accompanied by bleeding should prompt a call to your doctor, and possibly a visit to be examined.
Particularly if you’re a first-time mother, you should contact your doctor when you experience pain during your pregnancy. In most cases, your doctor is going to reassure you. However, if you are experiencing the following, you should consider seeing a doctor immediately via an urgent care facility or your local women’s hospital.
- Cramping with bleeding
- Inability to keep foods down due to nausea
- Pain during urination
If you have additional symptoms accompanying what may otherwise be a normal pain, contact your doctor immediately. Aside from the obvious risk of miscarriage, or chemical or ectopic pregnancy, another risk you need to be warned of is a urinary tract infection. A simple urine test can confirm a UTI and you will be prescribed a pregnancy-safe antibiotic.
Finding Out About Your Baby
Your doctor or midwife will calculate how many weeks you have been pregnant and the due date of your baby. If youre not sure when your last period was, they may schedule a dating scan. This is an ultrasound that will help determine which week of pregnancy you are in.
They will also offer a test to see if your baby is at high risk of having Down syndrome or other abnormalities. Other tests may be suggested such as an amniocentesis, or chorionic villus sampling if you are over 35 years old or have a higher than normal risk of problems.
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Premature Labor Or Miscarriage
If your bleeding is more than spotting at this point in your pregnancy , call your healthcare provider immediately.
Heavier bleeding could be a sign of late miscarriage or premature labor. Either one may come with abdominal pain, cramping, and passing of mucus or tissue.
All the potential causes in the first and second trimester still pertain to the third trimester, though many are less likely by this point. But there are a few other potential causes of spotting late in pregnancy.
Is Pain Normal During The First Trimester Of Pregnancy
The short answer is yes. Mostly, the pain that you may experience during early pregnancy is natural and comes with the territory, although there are certain kinds of pain that may be concerning. The purpose of this article is to address your concerns about any pain you are experiencing and help you know when you need to see a doctor.
This article is a guide to knowing what’s normal and what’s not, and the best ways to deal with the normal early pregnancy aches and pains. I’ll guide you through the most natural types of pain you may experience early on, as well as some which require a doctor’s attention.
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Here Are Some Tests Your Doctor Will Perform :
- Hemoglobin/ hematocrit
- Rh Factorand blood type If you test negative, theres a shot your doctor will give you to prevent miscarriage and other complications.
- Rubella screen
- Is there a number I can call if Im worried or have more questions?
- If I have any cramping or bleeding should I worry?
- Can I continue with my regular physical activities or should I slow down?
- Can I still have sex throughout my pregnancy?
- When will my next pregnancy appointment be?
- What are my options for planning my labor?
- What are the pros and cons of natural childbirth and having an epidural?
- What factors determine whether I need a C-section or not?
Like I said, some of these questions are a little embarrassing but each one is valid. Your doctor or midwife has answered every question in the book before. Nothing you could ask would startle them.
Above all else, you need to call and make your first pregnancy appointment as soon as that stick turns blue. The earlier you get in, the betterfor your babys health and your peace of mind. And bring your list of;first pregnancy appointment questions with you.
At the beginning, you dont have to be picky about which caregiver youd like. Just as long as you get the ball rolling early. You can always switch to a preferred doctor or midwife later on once youve had time to research.
They may also have you come in early if you experience any unusual symptoms. These include vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain or severe nausea, unlike normal morning sickness.
What Causes Spotting During Pregnancy
Aside from spotting sometimes be a sign of early pregnancy, it is a sign of something else during your pregnancy. There can be several reasons for having spotting during your pregnancy where most of them can be treated or shouldnt cause alarm. Having said that you should always consult your doctor if you suspect something is wrong.;
Lets talk about some different causes of spotting during pregnancy.;
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How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Normal Abdominal Pain And One That Signals A Problem
According to Kara Manglani, a certified nurse and midwife in New York, “You really can’t tell the difference. If the pain is severe and continues for hours, it is more likely a sign of a problem, but not necessarily. The only way to be sure is to go to your doctor or midwife.”
Abdominal pain becomes more common the further into the pregnancy you get. Strain is unusual during the first trimester because there is less weight gain. If you experience abdominal pain, it is recommended that you visit your doctor for more information.
To Make The Time Go By Faster Get A Head Start On Your First Visit By:
1. Reviewing your medical history:
We will ask you about your medical history, your partners medical history and your family history. This is to make sure you have the best prenatal care plan for you and your baby. Its also a good idea to bring a list of your current medications. Make sure to include any vitamins and over-the-counter medications youre taking.
2. Writing down your questions:
Its hard to remember everything! Write down your questions and bring them with you to your first appointment. Check out our suggested list of questions here.
3. Taking a prenatal vitamin:
There are many good options for over-the-counter prenatal vitamins. Look for one with at least 400mcg of folic acid and make sure it includes DHA, which is a supplement that can help promote brain and eye development. DHA is also found in fish, so adding low-mercury fish to your diet is beneficial for you and your baby.
4. Taking care of yourself:
Keep yourself hydrated, well-nourished and well-rested.
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Get Ready To Answer Mental Health And Lifestyle Questions
Most prenatal healthcare providers will ask some questions about your mental health, both currently and in the past. Theyll want to know about risk factors, such as your history of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We want to identify if there is anything in this persons experience in the past that will affect their care going forward and if any additional supports are needed,says Murray-Davis. Your healthcare provider will also ask and answer questions about your diet, exercise routine, sexual activity and travel. Theyll talk to you about the importance of taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid regularly to prevent neural tube defects and counsel you on avoiding certain foods and drinks . If youre wondering whether you can keep training for that 10K or book a babymoon in a tropical locale, now is the time to ask.
What Should I Expect At My First Prenatal Appointment
Your first prenatal appointment will most likely be the longest one, as it is one of the most comprehensive of all of the visits. Your provider will check your overall health and you can expect the following:
- A general check-up your provider will check your heart, lungs, blood pressure, weight, height, and do a pelvic exam
- Your babys due date will be determined
- Youll tell your doctor about your health history
- Information so you can best take care of yourself and your growing baby and learn about what to expect during different stages of your pregnancy will be shared with you.
- Various tests will be done which may include:
- Urine tests
- Blood tests
- Genetic test this is used to determine if youre a carrier for common genetic conditions like sickle cell disease or cystic fibrosis
- STD tests
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You Haven’t Felt Your Baby Move
The first time you feel your baby move is exciting, but it can often be hard to identify. Typically, people who have had babies before will feel movement earlier than first-time moms.
If this is your first pregnancy, its not unusual to be well into your second trimester before you feel movement. If you havent felt any movement yet, its not necessarily a sign of anything wrong, no matter how far along you are. Some people have difficulty feeling movement throughout their pregnancy.
However, if you have already started to notice movement and it decreases or disappears suddenly, you should notify your doctor quickly. Decreased fetal movement is one of the signs of stillbirth and may require immediate treatment to prevent a fatal outcome for your baby.
When Will My First Prenatal Visit Take Place
The first prenatal appointment usually takes place in the second month, between week 6 and week 8 of pregnancy.
Be sure to call as soon as you suspect you’re pregnant and have taken a;pregnancy test. Some practitioners will be able to fit you in right away, but others may have waits of several weeks . Certain OB/GYN offices also offer an earlier “pre-OB” visit to confirm a pregnancy as soon as you think you’re expecting.
Regardless of when that first appointment is scheduled, start acting pregnant once you get that positive result at home . You may be familiar with the basics, but don’t hesitate to call your practitioner’s office if you need to brush up.
And if the wait is of concern because you feel your pregnancy may be high-risk , check in with the office to see if you can come in earlier.
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Youll Have A Physical Exam At Your Prenatal Appointment
Your midwife or doctor will measure your progress in pregnancy by gathering baseline information, such as your pre-pregnancy weight, current weight, height and blood pressure. A full physical may not happen at your first prenatal visit due to time constraints, but during the first few appointments, youll have a head-to-toe physical, where theyll check your head, neck, thyroid, heart, lungs, skin and breasts and do a Pap test if you are due for one.
Vaginal Discharge And Itching
Some vaginal discharge is normal. But in some cases, “These may be signs of treatable infections or sexually transmitted diseases that can have important consequences in pregnancy,” Aziz says.
What this may mean: If it’s an infection, it could harm the baby.
What to do: Don’t be shy. Let your ob-gyn know what is going on down there because if there’s a problem, treating it could make a difference to your baby.
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You’re Sick Or You’ve Been Around Someone Sick
Some infections are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death. But just because youve caught a cold doesnt mean your pregnancy is at risk.
Pregnant people do need to take care of themselves if they get a seasonal cold or flu, including getting lots of rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and using saline nose spray to help relieve any congestion.
The same is true for gastrointestinal viruses. It may be miserable to have diarrhea or vomiting when youre pregnant, but most GI viruses last only a day or two. You should be fine as long as youre able to keep down small amounts of fluid throughout the day.
However, if you are sick with a viral illness and you have any of the following symptoms, call your doctor for instructions:
- Difficulty breathing and/or shortness of breath
- Fever greater than 101 degrees that doesnt respond to Tylenol
- Inability to keep even water down
- Severe abdominal pain
- Signs of dehydration
- Vomiting or diarrhea that lasts longer than three days
If you are experiencing what you think are symptoms of COVID-19 during pregnancy, or you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19, contact your doctor or midwife right away. Pregnant people are at an increased risk of severe illness and possibly other adverse incomes like preterm birth.