Can You Get Pregnant With Polycystic Ovaries

Ultrasound Pictures: Normal Ovary Vs Polycystic Ovary

Can you get pregnant if you have polycystic ovary syndrome?

Ultrasound photo: Polycystic ovary with many antral follicles

Ultrasound photo: Normal ovary with a single mature follicleYellow cursors measure the follicle. Fluid in the follicle is black on ultrasound.Follicle wall contains a microscopic egg ready for ovulation soon

Surgery Photo: Enlarged polycystic ovary at laparoscopySurgery picture of a typical, enlarged polycystic ovaryThe numerous small cysts are just under the thick outer capsule

Symptoms Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

A common scenario in women with polycystic ovaries is:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles, called oligomenorrhea, and sometimes a total lack of periods, referred to by doctors as amenorrhea
  • Onset of excess facial and body hair growth hirsutism, in the teens or early 20s
  • Gradually worsening of the excess hair growth over the years

Women with polycystic ovaries often have an excess amount of the male hormones testosterone and androstenedione resulting in high testosterone levels in the blood. Women with PCO and high testosterone can have increased facial and body hair growth called hirsutism.

Losing Weight To Trigger Ovulation

Not all women who have PCOS are overweight, but some women with PCOS find that their periods stop when they become overweight and they dont ovulate. Weight gain can be a typical symptom of PCOS.

PCOS makes it more difficult for the body to use the hormone insulin, which normally helps convert sugars and starches from foods into energy. High androgen levels can lead to weight gain.

Losing weight with PCOS can trigger the ovulation process to restart if it has stopped. Taking up a physical activity which you enjoy can be great for motivation to exercise regularly and burn calories. Eating a balanced diet will also help to reach a healthy weight. Scientific research found that a combination of eating a healthier diet and regular brisk walking improved menstrual cycle regularity.

Ask your doctor to test if you are insulin resistant as taking the diabetes drug metformin can also help you lose weight and conceive.

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How Pcos Affects Fertility

Itâs common for people diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome to worry about their ability to become pregnant, even if they donât want to be pregnant any time soon . Knowing that there are options available to become pregnant can help reduce anxiety.

Ovulation typically happens about once a month. People with PCOS may ovulate less frequently or predictably, and may be more prone to miscarriages, which is why PCOS is a common cause of infertility. For people trying to become pregnant, PCOS can make it harder to time sex to the fertile days of their menstrual cycle, when ovulation happens. It can also take longer to become pregnant if ovulation is only occurring every few months.

People with PCOS are more likely to seek out and require fertility treatments than people who donât have it. But research shows that over their lifetimes, both people with and without PCOS have a similar number of pregnancies and children . In fact, the majority of people with PCOS who are trying to conceive will become pregnant and give birth without any fertility treatment at least once in their life .

Maintain A Healthy Weight

How To Get Pregnant With Pcos

Being overweight has been linked to PCOS, but many women who have this condition are not overweight at all. Still, if you are carrying extra weight, you may improve your fertility and reduce other PCOS symptoms by losing just 5 percent of your weight.

Exercise daily by going for a walk and getting in your steps. Use a standing desk rather than sitting down while youre working. Lift light weights while watching TV as building more muscle helps bring down PCOS symptoms and improves your health.

Any woman who is trying to get pregnant needs to have the right levels of nutrients. Switch out sugary foods, simple carbs, and unhealthy fats for healthier choices, including:

  • fresh and cooked fruit and vegetables
  • whole grains like brown rice, oats, and barley
  • beans and lentils
  • chicken
  • fish

Certain vitamins and minerals are important for a healthy pregnancy and a growing baby. Ask your doctor about the best supplements for you. Supplements that may help fertility include:

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Getting Pregnant With Pcos: Where To Start

Knowing where to start can make the process of conceiving with PCOS feel less nerve-wracking. Here are some initial steps you can take if you are ready to get pregnant with PCOS.

  • Make an appointment with your OB/GYN. The best place to start is with your doctor. He or she will be able to assess your individual situation and provide you with the very best advice for you and your pregnancy.
  • Create a treatment plan. Together with your doctor, create a treatment plan to manage your PCOS. This plan may incorporate both medications and lifestyle changes.
  • Build healthy habits. If your doctor advises you to lose weight, start by making small, sustainable changes. For example, meal planning/prepping, regular walking, and swapping out sugary drinks with water are all great first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.
  • Time sex with ovulation. If you are trying to conceive naturally, make sure to have sex with your partner during your most fertile days of your cycle.
  • Hormone tracking. To better understand your cycle, start tracking your hormone concentrations with Mira. This can help you to accurately predict ovulation and plan sex around your fertile window.

Can I Still Get Pregnant If I Have Pcos

Yes. Having PCOS does not mean you can’t get pregnant. PCOS is one of the most common, but treatable, causes of infertility in women. In women with PCOS, the hormonal imbalance interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries . If you don’t ovulate, you can’t get pregnant.

Your doctor can talk with you about ways to help you ovulate and to raise your chance of getting pregnant. You can also use our Ovulation Calculator to see which days in your menstrual cycle you are most likely to be fertile.

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Myth #: All Women With Pcos Are At Risk Of Metabolic Complications

PCOS is associated with an increased risk of developing insulin resistance , type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome .

Consequently, some women with PCOS report persisting anxiety about their long-term health.

However, the potential consequences are not the same for all women diagnosed. Women with no signs of androgen excess, so those who are diagnosed due to irregular menstrual cycles and polycystic ovaries, don’t have the same metabolic risks as women with androgen excess.

Yet most doctors we interviewed were unaware of this. As a result, some women with PCOS are being wrongly labelled at high risk, causing unnecessary anxiety.

Another assumption frequently stated online is that women with PCOS are more likely to get heart disease. However, the limited data to date suggests otherwise.

Effects Of Pcos On The Female Body

What happens if I have PCOS and I get pregnant? – Dr. Bala R

Women with PCOS have enlarged ovaries that contain multiple small cysts, and there is a miscommunication between the brain and the ovaries. As a result, women with PCOS rarely ovulate on their own, which often leads to infertility. But most women with PCOS can still get pregnant with proper treatment.

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Can You Get Pregnant With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

When an otherwise healthy young woman has irregular or infrequent periods, she likely has a hormone imbalance. One of the most common hormonal abnormalities is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome .

About 10% of women of childbearing age are diagnosed with PCOS. In addition to irregular menstrual cycles, the condition is characterized by elevated levels of insulin and male hormone , which may cause acne or excess facial and body hair.

Can I Conceive With Pcos

The good news is that the chance of getting pregnant with polycystic ovarian syndrome using fertility treatments is very good. The great majority of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome will be able to have a baby with fertility treatment.

For young women under age 35 with polycystic ovaries, the real question is more about which treatment will be effective and not so much whether any treatment can ever work.

As far as the chances for pregnancy with PCOS pregnancy statistics are difficult to give without knowing the details of the individual case.

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Follow My Baby’s Growth

Scientists still arent exactly sure what causes PCOS, but they believe youre more likely to develop it if it runs in your family or if you have insulin resistance.

While its named polycystic ovary syndrome, confusingly, you dont always develop polycystic ovaries if you have PCOS. Instead, you may be diagnosed with PCOS if you have two of the following three symptoms:

  • Irregular or missed periods
  • A high level of male hormones, called androgens
  • Polycystic ovaries, which occur when small egg sacs on the ovaries become filled with fluid, known as cysts

But back to how all this can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Lubna Pal, professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine, explains that in order for pregnancy to happen, you need to have an egg that is released from your ovaries .

After ovulation, an unfertilized egg stays in the uterine tubes for 12 to 24 hours before it dissolves and is shed as part of a period. If its fertilized by sperm before then, however, it can lead to a successful pregnancy. But if youre not having regular periods, it means youre probably not ovulating regularly either. As a result, Pal explains, the probability of conception goes down.

Thats not the only way PCOS may impact getting pregnant, however. One theory thats been researched suggests that PCOS can cause hormonal imbalances that change the quality of your cervical fluid, making it harder for sperm to survive.

Getting Pregnant Despite Pcos

PCOS and Pregnancy

Courtney discusses going through fertility treatments.

Having lived with polycystic ovary syndrome for most of her adult life, Courtney knew it would affect her chances of getting pregnant. But that fact didnt become real until her mid-30s, when she married and wanted to start a family.

PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility. Courtney and her husband quickly became immersed in the world of fertility treatments. It took its toll but just when they were ready to take a break, the treatments worked. The couple welcomed daughter Caroline in summer 2019.

In this edited interview, Courtney shares her journey and a message for other women facing similar struggles.

ACOG: How were you diagnosed with PCOS?

Courtney: From when I was a teenager, my period never followed any real pattern it would show up whenever it wanted to. I once went more than 2 years between periods.

I was finally diagnosed when I moved to Chicago in my mid-20s. My new ob-gyn suspected PCOS based on my history and other symptoms, including excessive hair growth, fatigue, pelvic pain, and vaginal dryness. They confirmed it with an ultrasound. My ovaries were covered in cysts.

We tried hormonal birth control to get my body on a schedule. It did help regulate my periods, but it came with extreme side effects for me, like anxiety and weight fluctuations. I finally quit taking the pills, thinking I dont need to put up with this.

ACOG: How did PCOS affect your plans to get pregnant?

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Can I Get Pregnant If My Ovaries Are Removed

Becoming naturally pregnant requires several important factors all to align at the right time and in the right way. Fortunately, with todays medical advancements, those that may struggle to meet all the necessary elements can now be given the needed advantage to help them along on their journey to parenthood.

One of the more important organs for natural pregnancy is the ovaries. Unfortunately, some women may require having them removed for a medical ailment or prevention. The bright side is that today, the removal of a womans ovaries doesnt mean they cannot carry and give birth to a child.

This article will review the importance of the ovaries and the options available to those that have had or plan to have their ovaries removed.

Symptoms Of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Women with PCOS produce large amounts of androgens and male hormones, so unwanted hair usually appears in certain areas of the body and the period becomes irregular.

As with other diseases, the signs of polycystic ovary syndrome vary from person to person, but some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Acne on the face, chest and back.
  • Hair weeding and hair loss
  • The appearance of thick hair in unwanted areas such as the face, chin, arms, chest and abdomen
  • Intense colic.
  • Irregular menstruation .
  • Obesity and difficulty in losing weight.
  • Skin darkening, especially in folds under the neck, armpits, groin and chest.
  • Dermatoma is a small mass of skin under armpits or neck.

Sometimes the woman does not show warning symptoms and also notices that she suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome until she goes to the doctor before it becomes difficult to achieve pregnancy.

Do you know what polycystic ovary syndrome is? #MásSalud of >


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Track Your Menstrual Cycle

Whether you have regular periods every month or more unpredictable, irregular bleeds, its always worth monitoring your cycle to better understand the way your body works better. A period-tracking app like Flo can help here, improving your chances of getting pregnant by predicting when youre likely to be ovulating even if you have an irregular cycle. .

Myth #: Single Symptoms Indicate You Have Pcos

How Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Can Ovulate And Get Pregnant

PCOS is a syndrome, or a group of symptoms, so just one sign or symptom is not enough for a diagnosis.

In our new study of 36 clinicians , many raised concerns about misdiagnosis and overdiagnosis of PCOS. They described seeing many women who had self-diagnosed or had been incorrectly diagnosed based on irregular cycles alone, or on an ultrasound showing polycystic ovaries.

But many young women have polycystic ovaries but don’t have PCOS.

Symptoms are also on a spectrum of severity, with no clear line separating normal from abnormal.

Women of different ethnicities, for example, have different amounts of facial and body hair.

And acne is common. One study found 40 percent of women in their 20s had clinical acne, as well as 25 percent of women in their 30s and 12 percent of women in their 40s.

There are also several other factors and conditions that can mimic PCOS symptoms, such as stress, hormonal contraceptives such as the pill, obesity, thyroid issues , over-exercising and disordered eating.

Mislabelling women with PCOS prevents them from receiving care for their actual issue. Some conditions can have serious health consequences if left untreated, such as hypothalamic amenorrhea , which can lead to bone loss.

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Are There Alternatives For Getting Pregnant With Pcos

For some women, achieving regular ovulation for conception may require more intervention. How do you get pregnant with PCOS? Often, the answer is similar to anyone who is experiencing anovulation.

Your doctor may prescribe Clomid, an oral pill that helps induce ovulation by stimulating the hormones that support the growth and release of a mature egg. Clomid has an 80 percent ovulation success rate, though rates of subsequent pregnancy vary based on other factors like age and egg quality. Letrozole, which is actually a cancer medication, has also been shown to induce ovulation.

If oral pills arent successful, the next step is typically a round of injectable fertility medications called gonadotropins. Many women with PCOS will get pregnant with one of these treatments, but intrauterine insemination , where a catheter is utilized to transfer sperm directly into the uterus, or in vitro fertilization could be the answer for more challenging cases.

Sometimes PCOS isnt the only issue at play preventing a pregnancy a reproductive endocrinologist is the best resource to determine your individual treatment protocol. While its rare that someone with PCOS alone requires an egg donor, other factors such as age and egg quality could make her a good candidate for egg donation.

I Have Pcos And I Want To Have A Baby What Do I Need To Know

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

Sara Holton, Deakin University and Karin Hammarberg, Monash University

Most women want and expect to have children. But women who have a chronic health condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome often have concerns about childbearing, including whether they can become pregnant.

PCOS is a complex hormonal condition which affects up to one in five women of reproductive age. Most women with PCOS have elevated levels of a type of hormone called luteinising hormone, which brings about ovulation, and reduced levels of a hormone called follicle stimulating hormone, which is essential for pubertal development and the function of womens ovaries and mens testes.

Women with PCOS also have an underproduction of oestrogen and an overproduction of androgens . This causes tiny cysts on the surface of the ovaries.

Due to these hormonal imbalances, women with PCOS often have irregular menstrual cycles because they dont ovulate or ovulate only occasionally. So women with PCOS are more likely to have trouble conceiving than other women.

While most women who have PCOS become pregnant, they often take longer to fall pregnant and are more likely to need fertility treatment than women without PCOS.

Read more: Explainer: what is polycystic ovary syndrome?

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