How To Take Pregnancy Pills

How Do I Use The Different Types Of Birth Control Pills

Self-Managed Abortion: What to Expect After Taking Abortion Pills | Episode 6

Combination Pills :

As long as you take 1 pill every day, youll be protected from pregnancy. You dont have to take your combination pill at the exact same time every day. But taking it at the same time is a good idea because it helps keep you in the habit of remembering your pill. You can also use an alarm, calendar reminder, or our birth control app to help you remember. Most combination pills come in 28-day or 21-day packs.

If you have 28-day packs:

Take 1 pill every day for 28 days in a row, and then start a new pack on day 29. The last pills in 28-day packs of combination pills do not have hormones in them. These pills are called “reminder” or placebo pills they help remind you to take your pill every day and start your next pack on time. How many days you take hormone-free reminder pills depends on the brand of pill. Most pill packs have hormone-free pills for 7 days, but sometimes there are less. The reminder pills may contain iron or other supplements. You get your period during the week you take these reminder pills. Youll still be protected from pregnancy even if you dont take the reminder pills just remember to start your next pack on time.

If you have 21-day packs:

If you have 91-day packs:

Progestin-Only Pills :

Starting The Combined Pill

You can normally start taking the pill at any point in your menstrual cycle. There is special guidance if you have just had a baby, abortion or miscarriage. The guidance may also be different if you have a short menstrual cycle. Get advice from a doctor or nurse if you need it. You may need to use additional contraception during your 1st days on the pill this depends on when in your menstrual cycle you start taking it.

What Are Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are an oral pill that a woman can take every day to prevent pregnancy.

  • Birth control pills stop the ovaries from releasing eggs and thickens the cervical mucus, which keeps sperm from fertilizing the egg.
  • Birth control pills come in two forms: combination pills contain two hormones, progestin and estrogen, while the mini-pills contain only progestin.
  • Generally, combination birth control pills are slightly more effective than progestin-only birth control pills. All birth control pills require a prescription from a healthcare provider.

Combination birth control pills are available in 21-day packs, with 21 active tablets, or 28-day packs with 21 active tablets, and 7 inactive tablets. Extended-cycle pills such as Seasonique contain 84 active tablets and 7 inactive tablets. The inactive pills are included to help the woman remember when she should start a new pack of pills.

The menstrual cycle occurs during the time period when the inactive pills are taken. If the inactive pills are missed, there is no chance this would result in a pregnancy. However, it is important to start the new pack and active pills on the correct day.

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How Does The Abortion Pill Affect Future Pregnancies

Research suggests that abortion either medication or surgical does not affect someones ability to get pregnant in the future, nor does it increase their likelihood of future pregnancy complications.

Most people will experience their menstrual cycle returning in 46 weeks after a medication abortion. Because ovulation occurs before someones period begins, it is possible to get pregnant before your period returns.

What If It Is Too Late To Take The Abortion Pill

Missed period on birth control: Causes and when to expect your period

The FDA recommends the abortion pill up until 10 weeks gestation. However, as this article mentions above, other health organizations have different guidance. A persons healthcare professional can advise them on whether or not a medical abortion is the right choice for them.

If a person is further on in their pregnancy, they could have a surgical abortion, depending on the laws in their state.

Surgical abortion may involve either vacuum aspiration or D& E. A person can usually get vacuum aspiration until week 13 of pregnancy and D& E after that.

Below are answers to common questions regarding the abortion pill.

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How K Health Can Help

Do you know you can access affordable primary care with the K Health app? If you have any concerns about the efficacy of your birth control method or would like to get an experts opinion about how to prevent pregnancy, speak to or chat with one of our doctors at K Health.

to check your symptoms, explore conditions and treatments, and if needed, text with a doctor in minutes. K Healths AI-powered app is HIPAA compliant and is based on 20 years of clinical data.

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What Should I Do If I Miss My Progestin

You could become pregnant if you miss taking your progestin-only pill by more than 3 hours.

  • If you miss taking one mini-pill, take it as soon as you remember, and take the next pill at the regular time.
  • Continue to take your mini-pills daily on your regular schedule at the same time, even if you have to take 2 pills at the same time.
  • Use a back-up method of birth control, such as a condom, or avoid sexual intercourse until your pills have been taken correctly, on time, for 2 consecutive days.
  • Emergency contraception should be considered if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse.

If you are still confused about what to do if you have missed any birth control pills, use a back-up method of birth control each time you have vaginal intercourse, and take a birth control pill each day until you can talk to your health care provider.

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When I Can Test For Pregnancy

You can and should take a pregnancy test every time you may be suspicious of a pregnancy. Still, the chances for getting a false negative pregnancy result may be lower if you wait until the first day of your missed period.

If you`ll take the pregnancy test before this particular day, it may offer you a positive pregnancy result if you are pregnant. However, you might also receive a false negative pregnancy result if you haven`t had sufficient time between the moment of conception and the moment you are taking the test. You need the pregnancy hormone to build up to levels that can be detected by the test.

If you are on the pill, you`ll find out from the pack when your period may come. Still, some pills limit their number during an entire year. If you may suspect a pregnancy while being on the pill, take the pregnancy test 12 14 days after the suspected moment of conception and you can be confident that you`ll get a reliable positive or negative pregnancy result.

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Stopping Birth Control Pills

Chances of pregnancy with emergency pill taken immediately after contact – Dr. Beena Jeysingh

When you decide to stop taking birth control pills, your body will need time to return to normal.

Most people report ovulating a few weeks after stopping birth control pills. For others, regular ovulation cycles may return after a few months.

If you stop taking the pill but still dont feel ready to get pregnant, you might want to consider other birth control methods.

Today, theres a wide range of different birth control pills. Your health care provider can help you select the most appropriate option and answer any questions you may have, including:

  • What type of birth control pills would be best for me?
  • I am taking certain medications. Can they cause problems with birth control pills?
  • What are the side effects of birth control pills?
  • Is there anything I should know about stopping birth control pills?
  • Should I use other contraceptive methods along with birth control pills?

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Benefits Of Contraceptive Pills

Birth control pills are an effective and beneficial method of birth control. Each type of pill has its own benefits, which are explained below:

Benefits of combined contraceptive pills

  • The combined pill is 99% effective for contraception when used correctly.
  • The oral route is a non-painful method of administration as opposed to the intravenous route or IUDs.
  • It is a reversible method of contraception, with the effects of the pill lasting only for the duration you take the pill. It does not affect your fertility and you can get pregnant as and when you stop taking the pill. This duration is a bit longer for IUDs.
  • Pills can be easily taken at home and do not require frequent clinic visits.
  • Taking pills also regularises the menstrual cycle as your periods naturally occur during the 7 days you do not take the pill or take an inactive one.
  • Pills do not interfere with your sexual activity like the use of barrier contraceptive devices.
  • Taking pills may help to correct menstruation-related disorders, thereby reducing the risk of fibroids, ovarian cysts and PCOS.
  • Some studies even suggest its possible role in protecting against certain types of cancers and reducing acne.

Benefits of mini pill

Benefits are the same as the combined pill. In India, this is specifically used for new moms who are breastfeeding as they cannot be given estrogen.

Benefits of emergency contraceptive pills

Cervical Cap With Spermicide

What is it?

  • A soft latex or silicone cup with a round rim, which fits snugly around the cervix.

How do I use it?

  • You need to put spermicide inside the cap before you use it.
  • You must leave the cap in place for at least 6 hours after having sex.
  • You may leave the cap in for up to 48 hours.
  • You do NOT need to use more spermicide each time you have sex.

How do I get it?

  • First, a healthcare provider needs to determine the correct cervical cap size for you. Then you need a prescription for the device.

Chance of getting pregnant with typical use

  • Out of 100 women who use this method, about 17 to 23 may get pregnant.

Some Side Effects and Risks

  • Aabnormal Pap test

Some Less Common Risks

  • If you keep it in place longer than 48 hours, there is a risk of toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome is a rare but serious infection.

Does it protect me from sexually transmitted infections ? No.

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How And When To Start The Pill

No hard-and-fast rule exists as to when to start the pill. The recommendations on when to start also depend upon what type of pill a woman is taking. There are two main types of birth control pill:

  • The combination pill, which contains synthetic versions of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones prevent ovulation from occurring as well as reducing the likelihood of fertilization and implantation.
  • The minipill, which contains a synthetic version of progesterone only. It is also known as the progestin-only pill. The minipill primarily prevents pregnancy by causing the cervical mucus to thicken and the womb lining to thin. This reduces the chances of fertilization and implantation of an egg.

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When In Doubt Test

Coming Off the Pill to Get Pregnant

Sexually active women in their reproductive years have a chance of pregnancy every month, even when using protection. There are certain signals your body might send that should prompt you to take a pregnancy test.

For the best results, take the test after you think youve missed your period. Test during your first morning bathroom visit, or hold it for several hours to increase the concentration of the HCG hormone that the test measures.

Testing early helps to ensure that you get proper care for yourself and, if applicable, prenatal care for your baby. In the event of a positive result, contact your doctor as soon as possible to discuss your options and potential next steps.

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What Are Some Common Names Of Birth Control Pills

The top 12 most commonly reviewed and rated combination birth control pills on include:

There are many options for birth control. Consult with your healthcare provider and see a more extensive list of birth control here.

A monthly period still occurs with the traditional, combination birth control pills. Women may also choose the extended or continuous dosing birth control pill, in which a period only occurs 4 times a years or is completely eliminated . It is also possible to completely eliminate periods by taking only the active pills continuously from a combination birth control pill package, and skipping the inactive pills. Ask your healthcare provider if this would be a good option for you.

What Are My Options If I Miss My Pill

What action you take when you have missed taking one or more pills depends upon what type of birth control pill you use.

  • Contact your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for the most specific instructions on what to do if you miss one or more birth control pills.
  • You should review the specific patient package insert that accompanies your birth control pill pack. Look for the section in your patient package insert that addresses what to do if you miss any pills.
  • If you are confused at any time about what to do if you have missed any birth control pills, either do not have sexual intercourse or use a reliable backup barrier method of birth control each time you have sex. Keep taking your birth control pill each day until you can talk to your doctor or clinic.
  • Be truthful with yourself: if you think you can’t reliably keep up with a pill every day, choose a more foolproof method of birth control like the IUD, implant or injection. Talk to your doctor or clinic about these choices.

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Can I Use Birth Control Pills To Delay Or Stop My Period

Yes, you can. Birth control pills were once only packaged as 21 days of active hormone pills and seven days of inactive pills. While you take the inactive pills, menstrual-like bleeding occurs.

Today you have many more options — from regimens with 24 days of active pills and four days of inactive pills to regimens that are all active pills.

Some extended-cycle pill regimens have active hormone pills every day for three months, followed by a week of inactive or low-dose estrogen pills. You experience menstrual-like bleeding during that week. Other extended-cycle regimens involve taking active pills continuously for one year, which can stop all menstrual-like bleeding.

Continuous or extended-cycle regimens have several potential benefits. They prevent the hormone changes that are responsible for bleeding, cramping, headaches and other period-related discomforts. They allow you to skip a period during important events or trips. If you experience iron deficiency due to heavy menstrual bleeding, using continuous regimens can reduce bleeding.

Unscheduled bleeding and spotting often occur during the first few months on continuous or extended-cycle regimens, but usually stop with time.

Ultrasound To Determine Pregnancy

How Do Abortion Pills Work?

If your home pregnancy test or beta-hCG blood test is positive for pregnancy, the next step will be to confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound. An ultrasound is typically planned for 5-6 weeks past the missed period. The ultrasound will confirm where the embryo has implanted, if there is more than one, and if the heart is beating.

Learn more about when and why ultrasounds are performed during pregnancy.

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What Is The Abortion Pill

The abortion pill is a medication used to end a pregnancy. This process is called a medication abortion or a medical abortion.

There are two ways that a pregnancy can be ended. These are:

  • a medication abortion, in which a medication will terminate the pregnancy and induce the body to expel the pregnancy contents
  • a procedural abortion, in which a doctor surgically removes the pregnancy contents

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of medication abortion in pregnancies up to 10 weeks. However, some doctors do prescribe medication abortion up to 11 weeks of pregnancy.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Getting frisky doesnt have to be risky business not when there are many contraception methods out there to suit different needs.

Contraception can be used to prevent pregnancy and some types will also protect you from sexually transmissible infections .

You might find yourself asking: Which method will be best for me and my lifestyle? Which method protects against STIs?

What about convenience of use? Possible side-effects? Cost? How effective will it be?

To celebrate World Contraception Day this September 26, join us as we break it down for you by exploring some of the most popular types of contraceptives – with pictures. Starting with

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Other Considerations For An Abortion With Misoprostol:

Learn what to expect after taking misoprostol here.

If you experience bad cramping, ibuprofen is a good medicine to cope with pain. You can buy ibuprofen 200 mg strength over the counter in most countries. Take 3-4 pills every 6-8 hours. If you need something extra for pain relief, you can also use 2 pills of Tylenol every 6-8 hours.

If you are concerned about the abortion process and would like additional support, you can reach out to our friends at, or

If you used misoprostol, you probably do not need to visit a health care provider for a follow-up visit. These medicines are so effective that the World Health Organization recommends that you need to have a follow-up only if:

  • You feel sick, or your pain is not getting better after 2 or 3 days. If this occurs, seek medical attention right away.
  • You still feel pregnancy symptoms two weeks after taking the abortion pills.
  • Your bleeding is heavy and not getting lighter after 2 weeks.

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