What Antacids Are Safe In Pregnancy

Is It Safe To Have Antacids During Pregnancy

TUMS and Pregnancy | TUMS
  • Eating smaller meals more frequently rather than three big meals in a day.
  • Waiting three hours after a meal before lying down.
  • Avoiding fatty and spicy foods, tea, coffee, chocolate and citrus juices.
  • Raising the head of the bed so that your shoulders are higher than your tummy. You can roll a towel and place it under your mattress or simply use several pillows to prop yourself up when you lie down.
  • Milkor curd . Skimmed or semi-skimmed milk is thought to work better than full-fat milk.
  • Bananas .
  • Peppermint tea. One study showed that it helped pregnant women. However, peppermint tea, like other herbal teas, should be drunk in moderation during pregnancy.
  • Slippery elm. This is a traditional herbal remedy for heartburn. It is thought to have a soothing action and to be safe in pregnancy, but there is very little research into its effectiveness.

Reasons To Avoid Antacids During Pregnancy

Though not serious or rampant, antacids could lead to the below problems during pregnancy.

  • Water retention: As mentioned earlier, antacids contain sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate that retains water in the body. It could lead to swelling of the feet, hands, and ankles. If you already have swelling in the later part of your pregnancy, then this makes the problem worse .
  • Kidney stones: If you take calcium antacids regularly, the excess calcium cannot be absorbed by the body and hence passes into the bladder, causing kidney stones.
  • Food sensitivity or intolerance: When you take antacids, food may not be broken completely and could leave the proteins undigested. This could trigger the immune system and turn the proteins into allergens, leading to food intolerances .
  • Alters iron absorption: Calcium in antacids can interfere with iron absorption . Therefore, if you are taking antacids regularly, then you need to take the iron supplements after a gap. If you take both together, it could hinder the absorption of iron and lead to iron deficiency.
  • Overly alkaline: Constant intake of antacids could make the body tissues alkaline. It provides the ideal environment for the formation of kidney stones.
  • An antacid is not the only remedy for heartburn and acidity. You may try some safe natural remedies too.

    When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider About Heartburn During Pregnancy

    If heartburn isnt going away, talk to your provider. They can prescribe medications that are safe to take while pregnant.

    You should also call your provider if you:

    • Have heartburn that wakes you up at night.
    • Have trouble swallowing.
    • Have black poop.
    • Are losing weight.

    Heartburn can have similar symptoms to a heart attack. If youve never had heartburn before and youre having chest pains, call your provider or head to the nearest ER.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    Heartburn during pregnancy is a common pregnancy symptom, especially in the third trimester. You can prevent or get relief from heartburn during pregnancy by making a few changes to your diet, like eating more frequent but smaller meals and avoiding spicy or fried foods. Some yogurt or milk may also help relieve symptoms. Before you take antacids, be sure to check with your provider for the safest option to take during pregnancy.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/29/2021.


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    Don’t Eat Right Before Bed

    Having a hearty meal and then heading to bed is a recipe for heartburn, warns Joel Richter, MD, director of the division of gastroenterology and nutrition and the esophageal diseases center at the University of South Florida, in Tampa, who has studied heartburn during pregnancy. He recommends trying not to eat for at least three hours before you go to sleep. You should also try to avoid liquids starting a few hours before bedtime.

    Dosage And Frequency Of Tums

    How to Treat Pregnancy Heartburn

    Like any other prescription or over-the-counter drug medicine, the dosage and frequency of Tums should ideally come from your doctor. That said, there are some general guidelines to follow when using Tums for heartburn during pregnancy.

    Kimberly Langdon, MD, OB/GYN says Tums works best when taken frequently on the order of every 4 hours because it neutralizes the acid rather than preventing it from being released.

    With that in mind, Langdon says expecting mothers can take a maximum of two tablets every 46 hours as needed for heartburn.

    In general, most women will do fine at this dosage it may only be problematic in women with a history of calcium oxalate kidney stones, says Langdon.

    Its important to talk to your OB/GYN about any over-the-counter meds you wish to take during pregnancy. When it comes to Tums, this discussion is especially crucial if you have a history of kidney stones.

    Tums comes in a variety of strengths, and most of the recommendations for pregnancy refer to the regular strength, which is the lowest dose at 500 milligrams.

    And according to the manufacturer, pregnant women shouldnt exceed 10 tablets in a 24 hour period, and for no longer than two weeks, except under the supervision of a doctor.

    Unless your doctor says otherwise, you should always stick to the recommended dosage, especially since Tums has calcium.

    Although calcium is a much-needed mineral during pregnancy, too much of it can lead to

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Acidity

    Pregnant women also experience the same symptoms but the severity may vary depending on the trimester and from person to person.

    Common symptoms that you may experience when you have acidity include:

    • Feeling of indigestion
    • Acid regurgitating back up the food pipe and into the mouth
    • Bad taste in the mouth

    Most often pregnant women experience an exacerbation of the symptoms soon after they had food and at bedtime. These symptoms as earlier mentioned may start at any time during pregnancy and may continue to increase.

    Can You Use Tums In Pregnancy

    Tums is an over-the-counter , calcium-carbonate antacid that many people use to manage the symptoms of heartburn.

    Using Tums in pregnancy is something that many OB/GYNs have been prescribing for years, says G. Thomas Ruiz, MD, OB/GYN lead at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center.

    For pregnant women, Ruiz says it does two things:

    • provides supplemental calcium for mom and baby
    • treats pregnancy heartburn

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    Learn What Causes Heartburn For Youthen Avoid It

    Fat, caffeine, chocolate, citruspregnant women with heartburn have been advised to avoid all of the above at one time or another. But what causes reflux in one woman might not be a trigger for another.

    Rather than tell his pregnant patients to avoid a specific food, Dr. Richter says he advises them to stay away from foods that specifically aggravate them. Everybody’s different, Dr. Richter says. Some pregnant women can chow down on spicy Mexican food or a plate of spaghetti and meatballs with no ill effects.

    Indigestion And Heartburn In Pregnancy

    Can expired antacids cause fetal complications in 9th month of Pregnancy? – Dr. Nupur Sood

    Indigestion, also called heartburn or acid reflux, is common in pregnancy. It can be caused by hormonal changes and the growing baby pressing against your stomach.

    You can help ease indigestion and heartburn by making changes to your diet and lifestyle, and there are medicines that are safe to take in pregnancy.

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    Are There Any Self

    • Choose food and drink that you find easy to digest. That means skipping rich, high-fat or spicy dishes, chocolate, fruit juices, carbonated and caffeinated drinks. You may need to experiment with which food and drink makes heartburn worse or better for you .
    • If you smoke, try to stop . Smoking relaxes the valve between your stomach and food pipe, making acid reflux more likely to happen . Smoking is also harmful to your baby .
    • Bending over or slumping can make heartburn worse, especially when you’re eating . Try to keep a good posture, and sit up at mealtimes or when you’re snacking, so you take the pressure off your stomach .
    • If your heartburn is worse at night, try not to eat or drink anything in the three hours before you go to bed .
    • Get help to raise the head of your mattress by around 10cm to 15 cm or prop yourself up with some cushions or pillows . You could place a sturdy object, such as wooden blocks or bricks, under the legs at the head end . Make sure the bed is steady before you get in. Gravity will help keep your stomach acids where they should be and help your digestion.
    • Certain medicines for other conditions can make heartburn worse, for example antidepressants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Check with your GP if youre concerned about your medication .

    How Do Antacids Work

    The stomach generates acids to break down the food into digestible substances that are absorbed by the intestines. But an imbalance in the production of stomach acids could cause heartburn and acidity. Antacids help control the production of excess stomach acids and restore the balance thus giving you relief from sour stomach, indigestion, heartburn, and tummy upset.

    They also help treat stomach pain, duodenal ulcers and reduce gas .

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    Common Complaints In Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a time of many changes for your body. Talk to your health care provider about any concerns you have. Many pregnant women experience the following:

    Common discomforts in pregnancy

    Adapted from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists – How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy.

    Change Your Eating And Drinking Habits

    Pepcid Pregnancy Safe

    You may be able to control your indigestion with changes to your eating habits.

    It can help to eat small meals often, rather than larger meals 3 times a day, and to not eat within 3 hours of going to bed at night.

    Cutting down on drinks containing caffeine, and foods that are rich, spicy or fatty, can also ease symptoms.

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    What Are The Safest Ways To Deal With Heartburn And Reflux During Pregnancy

    The best way to treat pregnancy heartburn is to prevent it. Here are some tips to help you avoid it:

    • Avoid common triggers like caffeine, spicy foods, and greasy foods

    • Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones

    • Avoid acidic foods like citrus juices and tomatoes

    • Wait at least 3 hours after eating before you go to bed

    • Wear clothing that fits loosely to help relieve pressure on your stomach

    • Raise the head of your bed by about 4 to 6 inches to help acid better stay in your stomach

    There are also some natural ways to treat heartburn symptoms. Eating yogurt or drinking milk can help relieve the burning sensation. You can also try mixing about a tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm milk.

    Heartburn Acid Reflux And Gerd During Pregnancy

    Its called heartburn, although that burning feeling in your chest has nothing to do with the heart. Uncomfortable and frustrating, it bothers many women, particularly during pregnancy.

    The first question you may have is how to make it stop. You may also wonder if treatments are safe for your baby. Learn what causes heartburn during pregnancy and what you can do about it.

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    What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy

    During normal digestion, food travels down the esophagus , through a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter , and into the stomach.

    The LES is part of the doorway between your esophagus and your stomach. It opens to allow food through and closes to stop stomach acids from coming back up.

    When you have heartburn, or acid reflux, the LES relaxes enough to allow stomach acid to rise up into the esophagus. This can cause pain and burning in the chest area.

    During pregnancy, hormone changes can allow the muscles in the esophagus, including the LES, to relax more frequently. The result is that more acids may seep back up, particularly when youre lying down or after youve eaten a large meal.

    In addition, as your fetus grows during the second and third trimesters and your uterus expands to accommodate that growth, your stomach is under more pressure. This can also result in food and acid being pushed back up into your esophagus.

    Heartburn is a common occurrence for most people at one time or another, but it doesnt necessarily mean youre pregnant. However, if you also experience other symptoms, such as a missed period or nausea, these could be signs that you need to take a pregnancy test.

    Does Pregnancy Cause Heartburn

    Zantac panic: Is it safe for pregnant women to take?

    Pregnancy increases your risk of heartburn or acid reflux. During the first trimester, muscles in your esophagus push food more slowly into the stomach and your stomach takes longer to empty.

    This gives your body more time to absorb nutrients for the fetus, but it can also result in heartburn.

    During the third trimester, the growth of your baby can push your stomach out of its normal position, which can lead to heartburn.

    However, each woman is different. Being pregnant doesnt necessarily mean youll have heartburn. It depends on many factors, including your physiology, diet, daily habits, and your pregnancy.

    Relieving heartburn during pregnancy typically involves some trial and error. Lifestyle habits that can reduce heartburn are often the safest methods for mother and baby. The following tips may help relieve your heartburn:

    Alternative medicine options include acupuncture and relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, or guided imagery. Always check with your doctor before trying new treatments.

    Also Check: What Is Heartburn During Pregnancy

    Do Antacids Cause Side Effects

    The extra calcium from calcium carbonate antacids can cause gas, bloating, or constipation in some people. Antacids can also affect how well you absorb other medications, like iron supplements. Ask your pharmacist to check for interactions and space calcium carbonate antacids 1 to 2 hours apart from other medications when needed.

    Otc Medications For Gi Disorders In Pregnancy

    US Pharm. 2006 31:50-71.Pregnant women represent a challenging population to treat with both OTC and prescription medications. Well-designed, prospective studies are seldom conducted in pregnant women, and the safety and efficacy of drug therapy is often unclear . Therefore, health care practitioners have only modest guidance on what medications are safe for use in pregnant women. Pharmacists face this dilemma on a daily basis with regard to OTC medications during pregnancy. Herein, the appropriate treatment of six gastrointestinal disorders that occur during pregnancy will be reviewed.Nausea and VomitingNausea and vomiting of pregnancy most commonly affects women in their first trimester. The frequency of NVP may be variable as up to 85% and 50% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, respectively.1 Although often referred to as morning sickness, NVP can occur at any time during the day. The etiology of NVP is unknown and controversial. Psychological factors, GI tract dysfunction, and hormonal changes have been studied as possible causes, but the data are inconclusive. Another study has shown that chronic Helicobacter pylori infection was significantly more prevalent in pregnant women suffering from NVP, compared to pregnant women not suffering from NVP.2

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    How To Avoid Heartburn During Pregnancy

    Heartburn or indigestion may not be new for you. You may have had it during your first trimester and then it went away. But now, it’s back. And you’re likely wondering why.

    Many pregnant women have heartburn at some point. The hormone progesterone relaxes the ring-like sphincter at the base of your esophagus. This normally closes off entry to the stomach. When it doesnt close, food mixed with digestive enzymes can back up into your esophagus. The result: irritation and a burning sensation in your chest. And in the third trimester, you can also feel full because your growing uterus is putting pressure on your stomach.

    Heartburn Medication To Avoid During Pregnancy

    Antacid tablets

    Talk to your doctor before taking any antacids. Some contain ingredients that may harm you or your baby. Be sure to not to take these medications:

    Ranitidine. In 2020, the FDA stopped sales of an H2 blocker called ranitidine because it was contaminated with a cancer-causing agent. If you take OTC ranitidine, stop your use. If you have a prescription for ranitidine, talk to your doctor about other options before you stop your medication.

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    Don’t Treat Tums Like Candy

    As with most things, moderation is key. According to the manufacturer’s website, pregnant individuals are advised to limit themselves to a maximum of 15 TUMS Regular Strength 500 within any 24 hour period. The maximums differ from product to product, so be sure to read the bottle carefully and consult with a healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns.

    Dr. Clark suggests keeping an eye on intake and symptoms. “If you find you are using TUMS daily or they do not relieve your symptoms, be sure to let your obstetrical care provider know.”

    But if TUMS aren’t working to relieve your symptoms after a while, don’t fret. “It may be time to consider alternative therapy for your symptoms of GERD, like a prescription medication,” says Dr. Clark.

    Discuss H2 Blockers With Your Doctor

    If an antacid isn’t working, it may be time to consider stronger medications.

    Your first option will likely be an H2 blocker like Tagamet or Zantac. These drugs suppress stomach-acid production. All four H2 inhibitors on the market are now available without a prescription and considered to be safe during pregnancy. But talk to your doctor before taking them.

    “They really work,” says Einarson. “You only have to take one or two a day.”

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