What Fruits Are Good To Eat While Pregnant

Healthy Snacks In Pregnancy

Best Fruits to Eat During Pregnancy

If you get hungry between meals, try not to eat snacks that are high in fat and/or sugar, such as sweets, biscuits, crisps or chocolate. Instead, choose something healthier, such as:

  • small sandwiches or pitta bread with grated cheese, lean ham, mashed tuna, salmon, or sardines, with salad
  • salad vegetables, such as carrot, celery or cucumber
  • low-fat, lower-sugar fruit yoghurt, plain yoghurt or fromage frais with fruit
  • hummus with wholemeal pitta bread or vegetable sticks
  • ready-to-eat apricots, figs or prunes
  • vegetable and bean soups

Find out more about healthy food swaps.

When choosing snacks, you can use food labels to help you. Find out more about food labelling, including how the “green, amber, red” code can help you make healthier choices quickly.

Color Your Diet With Fruits

Some people will warn you against fruit consumption when you ask them about what not to eat during pregnancy. This is a myth. Fruit isnt just delicious it can help curb your sugar cravings and supply you and your baby the necessary nutrients. As long as you arent eating them in juice form too often, fruits are an important part of your pregnancy diet. If canned, choose unsweetened.

Be cautious in your preparation of fruit. Dont use knives used for other raw foods that may have bacteria, and always thoroughly rinse raw fruit under running water. Rinsing your fruit is important since bacteria can be found on the outer rind or peel, which can cause illness or be harmful to you and baby. Cut off damaged or bruised spots to help remove any bacteria hiding out in these areas.

It is worth noting that eating fruits should be done with care. Observing how your body reacts every time you have some will help. For example, if you have a spike in your blood sugar or notice abnormal weight gain, you should cut back.

You can have moderate servings of the following fruits:

  • Bananas
  • Dried fruits

Food And Drinks To Avoid While Pregnant

No level of alcohol consumption is considered safe during pregnancy. Also, check with your doctor before you take any vitamins or herbal products. Some of these can be harmful to the developing fetus.

And although many doctors feel that one or two 6- to 8-ounce cups per day of coffee, tea, or soda with caffeine won’t harm your baby, it’s probably wise to avoid caffeine altogether if you can. High caffeine consumption has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and other problems, so limit your intake or switch to decaffeinated products.

When you’re pregnant, it’s also important to avoid food-borne illnesses, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, which can be life threatening to an unborn baby and may cause birth defects or miscarriage. Foods to steer clear of include:

  • soft, unpasteurized cheeses such as feta, goat, Brie, Camembert, and blue cheese
  • unpasteurized milk, juices, and apple cider
  • raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, including mousse and tiramisu
  • raw or undercooked meats, fish, or shellfish
  • processed meats such as hot dogs and deli meats
  • fish that are high in mercury, including shark, swordfish, king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, tuna steak , and tilefish

If you’ve eaten these foods at some point during your pregnancy, try not to worry too much about it now just avoid them for the remainder of the pregnancy. If you’re really concerned, talk to your doctor.

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Lean Meat And Proteins

Lean beef, pork, and chicken are excellent sources of high-quality protein. Beef and pork are also rich in iron, choline, and other B vitamins all of which youll need in higher amounts during pregnancy.

Iron is an essential mineral that is used by red blood cells as a part of hemoglobin. Youll need more iron since your blood volume is increasing. This is particularly important during your third trimester.

Low levels of iron during early and mid-pregnancy may cause iron deficiency anemia, which increases the risk of low birth weight and other complications.

It can be hard to cover your iron needs with meals alone, especially if you develop an aversion to meat or are vegetarian or vegan. However, for those who can, eating lean red meat regularly may help increase the amount of iron youre getting from food.

Pro tip: Pairing foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or bell peppers, along with iron-rich foods may also help increase absorption.

Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy

Eat fruits during pregnancy to have smarter kids

It is important to be on a well-balanced diet during pregnancy, and you just cannot achieve that balance without including fruits in your diet. Fruits have nutrients like beta-carotene that plays an important role in tissue and cell development it also lays the foundation of a healthy immune system. Fruits are also loaded with vitamin C, which is important for bones and teeth, whereas you also get folic acid from fruits that prevents the fetal growth issues. You can also keep constipation at bay by eating fruits rich in fiber. Keep reading to learn about some of the best fruits to eat during pregnancy.

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What If I Have Other Concerns About My Diet

Some women may be lactose intolerant, they cant fully digest lactose in dairy products. Others are unable to eat things like gluten due to Celiac Disease. Your provider can help you plan your diet or advise you take certain supplements. Other helpful tips for healthy eating are:

  • For lactose intolerant women, calcium can be found in other foods like seeds, nuts and soy. There are also lactose-free milks, cheeses and other dairy products.
  • For women with Celiac Disease, many gluten-free options can be found in grocery stores and include a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats potatoes, poultry and beans.

How Much Fruit Should A Pregnant Woman Have

You are advised to include two to four servings of fruit in your diet every day. You can consume them fresh, canned, juiced or dried, but try to have as much fresh fruit as possible. Some fruits, which are equivalent to single-serve, include:

  • One medium piece of fruit, such as apple, banana or pear will be equivalent to a single serving, while two small pieces of kiwi, apricots or plums are equal to a single serving.
  • One cup of fresh diced fruit such as watermelon.
  • If you like juice, then half cup of fruit juice is considered equal to a single serving.

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Broccoli And Dark Leafy Greens

No surprise here: Broccoli and dark, green vegetables, such as kale and spinach, pack in so many of the nutrients youll need. Even if you dont love eating them, they can often be squirreled into all kinds of dishes.

Benefits include fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium. Theyre a bonanza of green goodness.

Adding in servings of green veggies is an efficient way to pack in vitamins and fend off constipation due to all that fiber. Vegetables have also been linked to a reduced risk of low birth weight .

Try this kale eggs Florentine recipe or blend some spinach into a green smoothie and you wont even know its in there.

It’s Wise For Expecting Mothers To Watch What They Eat But What About Fruit All About Women Physicians Discuss Which Fruits To Eat During Your Pregnancy And Which Fruits To Avoid

Fruits to Avoid While Pregnant

When it comes to a pregnancy diet, it can feel like the restrictions never end: no caffeine, seafood, deli meat, etc. Women should certainly be cautious about what goes into their bodies because it’s very possible that a baby’s growth and development could be negatively affected by certain foods and drinks.

Fruits can provide women with a plethora of healthy vitamins and minerals that can be very beneficial for a newborn child however, some fruits carry risks when they are eaten during a pregnancy.

Read on to learn which fruits should and should not be eaten while you are pregnant.

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What To Eat During Pregnancy Eating Right For Babys Health

A balanced diet is ideal for everyone however, during pregnancy, its important to make dietary adjustments based on your specific needs. Knowing what foods are good to eat during pregnancy will help address your pregnancy symptoms and nourish your baby well.

There is no one-size-fits-all meal plan for expecting moms. Some do not have problems with the food they eat and others may start experiencing issues. Certain types of food may worsen their symptoms, while some alleviate them. This is one reason why you might seek help from a prenatal nutritionist, who offers sound advice in terms of food restrictions. These food restrictions during pregnancy are based on several factors such as lifestyle, physical changes and hormonal changes. For now, stick to the basics described below:

Benefits Of Fruit During Pregnancy

Do you want a healthy pregnancy?

Then there are many reasons to eat fruit while pregnant, including:

  • It Provides Important Nutrients: Your baby needs certain nutrients to grow properly. Those most notably provided by fruits include Vitamin C and folate. Vitamin C is necessary to build collagen and connective tissue , which helps boost your babys immune system and allows them to increase their iron stores to help prevent anemia. Folate is necessary for healthy spinal development and helps prevent neural tube defects in a developing fetus.
  • It Helps Satisfy Your Sweet Cravings: One of the hallmarks of fruit is it can be incredibly sweet or sour, both of which are common pregnancy flavor cravings. Opting for fruit instead of a bowl of ice cream can help you give in to your cravings in a way thats both satisfying and healthy.
  • It Helps Manage Your Blood Sugar: Whole fruits contain fiber, which helps to regulate the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. If you eat a candy bar, the sugar hits your bloodstream quickly, resulting in a huge spike and subsequent crash. But eating a piece of fruit can give you the burst of glucose energy you need without the huge crash later. This long-lasting energy effect is even more helpful if you pair your fruit with a protein like a piece of cheese or beef jerky. This is especially helpful advice for those who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
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    The Benefits Of Fruit

    Fruits are super, that’s for sure! They provide vitamins and minerals that can help your baby along throughout your pregnancy. Pregnant mothers require foods rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin A and C, folic acid, and other nutrients in order to keep their bodies strong until baby arrives, and fruits can be an excellent and easy source.

    Got The Munchies Try Nuts

    What Not To Eat During Pregnancy,fruits to avoid during ...

    Want something crunchy? Turn to nuts. Nuts are great to munch on duringpregnancy, says Vizthum. They provide protein, fiber, healthy fat andminerals. Plus, theyre a nutrient-dense food, so you dont have to eat alot to quench your hunger, which is ideal for women struggling with nauseaor getting full quickly toward the end of pregnancy.

    Any nut will do, but walnuts are particularly beneficial because theycontain omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat thats commonly found in fishand helps with your babys brain development. If youre a vegetarian ordont eat fish, its important to eat other foods that contain omega-3s,like walnuts, and talk to your doctor about taking a supplement to makesure you get enough of these essential fats.

    Nutrition During Pregnancy

    Not only is eating nutritious food good for you and your baby, it also can ease some of the discomforts of pregnancy. A balanced diet can help minimize symptoms such as nausea and constipation.

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    Foods That Are High In Fat Sugar Or Both

    Sugary foods and drinks are often high in calories, which can contribute to weight gain. Having sugary foods and drinks can also lead to tooth decay.

    Fat is very high in calories, so eating too many fatty foods, or eating them too often, can make you put on weight. Eating too much saturated fat can also increase the amount of cholesterol in your blood, which increases your chance of developing heart disease.

    Foods that are high in fat, sugar, or both, include:

    • all spreading fats
    • oils
    • puddings
    • fizzy drinks

    If you’re having foods and drinks that are high in fat and sugar, have these less often and in small amounts.

    Try to cut down on saturated fat, and have small amounts of foods rich in unsaturated fat instead, such as vegetable oils. Find out about saturated and unsaturated fat.

    Starchy Foods In Pregnancy

    Starchy foods are an important source of energy, some vitamins and fibre, and help you to feel full without containing too many calories. They include bread, potatoes, breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, maize, millet, oats, yams and cornmeal. If you are having chips, go for oven chips lower in fat and salt.

    These foods should make up just over a 3rd of the food you eat. Instead of refined starchy food, choose wholegrain or higher-fibre options such as wholewheat pasta, brown rice or simply leaving the skins on potatoes.

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    Benefits Of Eating Fruit During Pregnancy

    When youre pregnant, its important to eat nutritious food and avoid empty calories. In fact, if you eat mostly junk food during your pregnancy, you may be setting up your baby for a lifelong preference for fat and sugar, according to a 2013 study.

    Fruits and vegetables are filled with nutrients. When you add a variety of them to your diet, youll likely get most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber that you and your baby need.

    Eating fruits and vegetables also helps prevent constipation, a common symptom during pregnancy. Get thee to a produce aisle and you wont regret it.

    What Should You Eat If Youre Struggling With Morning Sickness And Nausea

    5 Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy

    About 75 percent of expecting moms experience nausea, upset stomach or other morning sickness symptoms during the first three months of pregnancy. To try to ease the quease:

    • Fuel up with frequent mini meals every few hours instead of trying to force three big meals a day. Going too long without eating may actually make nausea worse, as can eating large portions.

    • Avoid spicy and very high fat foods, as these can lead to heartburn or stomach discomfort.

    • Stick with cold or room temperature bland foods when you’re feeling most nauseous, such as cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit, string cheese with nuts or a mini bagel with nut butter. Hot foods are more likely to emit odors that may make nausea worse.

    • Liquid or softly-textured meals may be better tolerated if your stomach feels upset. Try a homemade smoothie, oatmeal or pasta.

    • Keep dry, easy-to-eat snacks on your nightstand and as an emergency snack kit in your purse or work bag. Graham crackers, pretzels and low-sugar dry cereal are prime grab-and-go picks.

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    Keep General Guidelines In Mind

    About 300 extra calories are needed each day to maintain a healthy pregnancy, according to the American Pregnancy Association. These calories should come from a balanced and diverse diet of protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, with minimum added sugars and fats.

    When navigating the menu of daily choices, it helps to know the difference between absolutes and guidelines , says McNally.

    Fish, for instance, is an important source of nutrients. However, some types of fish should be avoided or only consumed in moderation during pregnancy because they contain higher levels of mercury. Raw and undercooked fish, especially shellfish, such as oysters and clams, is an absolute no-no, she adds.

    Alcohol and recreational drugs, which can cause problems in children ranging from behavioral problems to birth defects, should also be strictly avoided.

    Raw fish can be contaminated with parasites and bacteria. We recommend that women avoid this during pregnancy, McNally says. Drugs and alcohol are also things that we have patients stay away from. Even patients who have a glass of wine with dinner will never know the safe level or what you can drink or not drink in terms of fetal alcohol syndrome.

    What To Eatand Not Eatduring Pregnancy

    Rules versus guidelines when it comes to safe nutrition.

    6 min read

    With the exception of the occasional sweet treat, most moms-to-be know that when youre pregnant, eating well-balanced, nutritious meals is essential for you and your developing baby. But confusing public health information, as well as advice from family and friends, can make it stressful to figure out whats safeand what’s not.

    Take fish, for example. A recent study found that children of mothers who ate fish one to three times per week during pregnancy were more likely to have improved metabolic health, including better blood pressure and cholesterol levels. But they also found high exposure to mercury in fish, which can damage a developing babys brain and nervous system, can actually lead to worse metabolic health.

    So whats an expectant mom to do? Should you take a big bite of that tuna melt baby is demanding, or should you pass on it and just eat those pickles and ice cream instead?

    First, its important to know that most foodsand 90% of fish eaten in the U.S.are safe.

    In fact, dietary guidelines for pregnancy have remained largely intact over the past two decades, with a greater emphasis in recent years on whole grains and higher vegetable and fruit content, explains Stephanie T. McNally, MD, an OB/GYN with Northwell Health.

    Its good to maintain a healthy diet and understand what you can eat safely and in the right amounts. Heres what you need to know.

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